Originally Published April 28, 2022
Increased Learning Opportunities
SOAR is a community funded and directed organization dedicated to providing enrichment programs to Salisbury Central School students in areas not addressed in their daily school curriculum.
SOAR provides in-school and after school learning opportunities for all students at Salisbury Central School, including fitness, mindfulness, cooking, farming, technology and programming, fine arts, theater arts and STEAM classes.
Recent grants from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Khurshed Bhumgara Fund and the Northwest CT Community Foundation Echo Valley Foundation Fund supported SOAR programming.
“We are committed to providing high-quality programs at a reasonable cost to those who can pay, and free of charge to those who need assistance.” said Linda S. Sloane of SOAR.
"Thank you [Northwest CT Community Foundation] for all you do for our community"

Empowering the Arts in a Changing World
Five Points Arts in Torrington has been championing and nurturing artists at all stages of their career since 2012. The organization includes Five Points Gallery, featuring exhibits from regional, national, and international artists; Five Points Annex, a community pop-up gallery; and Launchpad, a shared studio space.
"Throughout time, artists have struggled to support themselves and make work related to an ever-changing world. Yet, their efforts have marked the passage of humanity in ways words alone cannot do," Lynn Gelormino of Five Points Arts.
A recent grant from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Edward W. Diskavich Fund supports the Artist’s Fund, which enables artists who could not otherwise afford it, access to the workshops, facilities and equipment at Five Points newest initiative, the Arts Center.
Grants from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Nolin Selby Fund provided unrestricted support for the organization. And a recent grant from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Raymond A. and Gloria B. Oneglia Family Fund supported the transportation and installation of the upcoming Don Gummer exhibit at Five Points Gallery.

Support for Local Cancer Patients
The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills supports Northwest Corner residents who are in active cancer care by providing financial assistance with medications not covered by health insurance as well as assistance with food, rent, and utilities.
The fund also supports cancer patients with complementary therapies, such as reflexology, oncology nutrition, yoga, and massage therapy.
A recent grant from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Khurshed Bhumgara Fund supported the purchase of gas and grocery cards for low-income cancer patients.
A grant from the Northwest CT Community Foundation Molly O' Connell Fund supported the Tour of Litchfield Hills, a Cancer Care of the Litchfield Hills fundraiser that supports the care, treatment, education and prevention of cancer for residents living, working, or receiving treatment for cancer in Northwest Connecticut.
"The awarding of these cards provide immediate relief to those in dire need," said Ellen Ebbs of the Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills.
"We could not provide the services that we do without your help."