2016 New Funds
Cornwall Conservation Trust - Trinity Forest Stewardship Fund
Cornwall Conservation Trust funds are used for land acquisition and management with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large.
Edward W. Diskavich Fund
A longtime Torrington resident, Mr. Diskavich established this fund through his estate planning to support the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.
Edward W. Diskavich Scholarship Fund
Mr. Diskavich established this fund through his estate planning to support the educational goals of graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical School.
The G&G Educational Foundation- Edward and Rachel Wang Family Fund
Established by Edward C. Wang, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
The G&G Educational Foundation- James P. Wang Family Fund
Established by James Payton Wang, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
The G&G Educational Foundation-Jo Wang and Kiau Loi Family Fund
Established by the Jo Ann Loi family, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
The G&G Educational Foundation- Nancy A. Wang Family Fund
Established by Nancy Ann Wang, this fund supports programming, initiatives, and scholarships that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America, and address the human services needs of Asians and their communities in the United States.
Health Care Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
This fund supports the educational goals of Region 1 students pursuing a career in the healthcare field.
The Merz Family Fund
Established by Kenneth Merz, this fund supports charitable, religious, and educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.
Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation Fund
This fund supports the charitable mission of the Norfolk Connecticut Children's Foundation that no Norfolk child should be denied civic, educational, social, or cultural enrichment opportunities because of financial need.
Virginia and Joseph Ruwet Fund
This fund was established to honor life-long Torrington community members Virginia and Joseph Ruwet.
VNA Northwest Endowment Fund
This endowed agency fund was established to support the VNA Northwest CT’s charitable mission to provide home health, hospice and wellness programs in a professional and caring manner to residents of Litchfield County.
Warren Public Library Fund
This fund supports the Warren Public Library in its mission to meet and anticipate the community’s intellectual and social needs, including providing a place for the discovery and exploration of ideas.
Winsted Health Center Foundation Fund
This fund supports the Winsted Health Center Foundation in perpetuity as the Foundation works to establish and maintain healthcare services primarily in Winchester, and the surrounding communities, to conduct education programs for the benefit of the public at large and expand economic stability in the community through the provision of healthcare related employment.
Gifts and Grants by Fund
Community Leadership Fund
Each year, The Community Foundation asks individuals and families within our Northwest Corner to partner with the Community Foundation to support arts and culture, healthcare, education, human services, animal care, and land conservation. The collective charitable gifts provided through the Annual Appeal are vital to support the operating expenses of the Community Foundation.

Margaret & Adrian Selby Fund
Elena and Dennis Sherva
Harriet Ford Dickenson Foundation
Anne Sutherland Fuchs
Anonymous Gifts
Joan and Stephen Altschuler
The Bono Family Fund
Susan and Jeffrey Borghesi
Robert Boyett
Hope Childs
Mary Close and Philip V. Oppenheimer
Margaret Ferguson and Daniel Sherr
Benjamin Foster
Maria P. Horn and Thomas Quinn
Susan and Jeffrey Lalonde | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank
The Loyola Foundation
Judy and Peter Menikoff | with a matching gift from Chubb Bermuda Insurance
Barbara and James Millar
Ellen and Sam Felton
Posey Helen and Anthony Scoville
Katherine Wenning and Michael Dennis | in honor of Anne Fuchs
Anonymous gifts
Anita and William Baxter
Becton Dickinson and Company
Fran and Richard Dichillo
Stacey Fitch
Thomas Gelormino
Melinda and William J. Vanden Heuvel Foundation, Inc.
Roberta and John E. Janco | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank
Karpas Strategies, LLC
Nancy and Dr. Henry Kissinger
Jane and Dr. Richard Kresch
Mary and Richard Lanier
Roxana and Rev. Ledlie Laughlin
Carol Lugar
Stephanie and Stephen Mazzarelli
The Neary Family Charitable Fund
Linda and Doug O’Connell, Esq.
Roderic Oneglia
Victoria and Fran Patrick | in honor of The Patrick & DeMichiel Families
Nancy and Hon. Norman Rogers
Rudy and Ronald Rosenstein
Dale and Quentin R. Ryan
Philip Samponaro
Matthew P. Smyth
Edward Sulzberger Foundation, Inc.
Carol and Louis Timolat
Anonymous gifts
Bernard R. Adams and Edna H. Travis Fund
Judy and David Addazio
Caroline and Dyck Andrus
Back to Earth
Marcia and Haworth Barker
Thomas Bechtle and Don Bachman
Elizabeth and Martin Brayboy
Susan and Bradley Bremer
Peggy and Ralph Brown
Sarah and Frank Buonocore | in memory of Charles Buonocore
Mary Cianciolo
Pam and Alan Colavecchio
Hon. Margaret Cooley
Julia and Jeffrey DeMichiel
Anne Dodge
Anne and Edward Dodge
Dan Dwyer and Jim Montanari
Barbara and Joseph Ellis
Lucy Fenn | in memory of Albert H. and Albert R. Fenn
The Field Family Foundation Trust
Founders Insurance Agency
Mary Ellen and Andrea Geisser
Stephen Getz
John Green
Diana and Edward Greene
Janis and Dr. Gary Griffin
Anne Harris
Marjorie and Simon Hewett
Debby and Barton Jones
Corky and John Lavieri
Starling Lawrence
Lee and Fritz Link
Carol and Edward G. Lord
Sandra Magyar
Dorothy Mather
Robert and Carolyn Mattoon Fund
Kathy and Jay Metz
Gayle Moraski
Northeast Work & Safety Boats, LLC
Jennifer Perga and Mike DeClement
Janet and Robert Petricone
Michael Emont and Margo Rappoport
Susan Pinsky and Marc Rosen
Clare and Evan Rashkoff
Elisabeth and William Richard
Molly and Charles Roraback Fund
Philip Roth
Alan Rothfeld, Esq.
Patty and Guy Rovezzi
Rosemarie and Dr. William Ryan
Edith and Kenneth Schechter
Richard Schlesinger
Elaine and Dr. Robert Sederquist
Mark Shearer Fund
Elizabeth C. Smith
Emily Soell
Benjamin Stapleton
Chilton Thomson | in honor of Alyson Thomson
Kathleen and Alexander Thomson
Jane Tremper
Sanda and John Ursone
Kathleen and Michael Voldstad
Arete Warren | in memory of William B. Warren
Leone Young
Anonymous gifts, Ann and Travers Auburn, Arleen and Tom Barrett, Nanci Battistoni and Stan Voket, Ann and Rev. Lance Beizer, Esther and David Bennett, Gail and Ricky Berglund, Barbara and Robert Bettigole, Rita and David Bishop, Virginia and James Blackketter, Cara and Kenneth Blazier, Elizabeth Borden, Annesa and Richard Borla, Sheila and Arthur Borla, Elaine and James Bourgoin, Earl Brecher, Richard Bredice (in memory of Sue Bredice), JoAnn and Dr. Harry Briggs, Joyce Briggs, Regan Byrne-Palmer and Timothy Palmer, Veronica Burns, Nancy and John Calhoun, John Capobianco, Stacey L. Caren (in memory of Claire and Allen Caren), Dona and James Casey, Frank J. Chiaramonte, Linda and Peter Chidsey, Anne Childs and Charles Collins, Ella Clark, Peter Coffeen, Barry Cone’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., Leslie and Carl Contadini, Dr. Roger Coutant, Noel and Mark Croce, Peggy and David Cusick, Barbara Darcey (in memory of William J. Darcey), Lea Davies and Larry Power, Susan Dean, Barbara and Paul Denza, Irene and Roger Dietlin, Deborah and Louis Donne, Barbara Douglass, Ph.D. (in honor of Bill Harding), Denise and Ron Dower, Kara Dowling and the Hon. Andrew Roraback, James Dresser, William Dunkin, Randy Dwenger and Steven Callahan, Nicole and Joel Easley, Lori and Kenneth Edwards, Cheryl and Dan Evans, James Fabiaschi, Julie and John Fabiaschi, Elaine Fortuna (in memory of James B. Fortuna), Rita and Lawrence Freedman, Evan Friedman, Susan and Tino Galluzzo (in honor of Guy Rovezzi for his continued support of the cultural life of the Northwest Corner), Joseph Gelormino (with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank), Marie C. Gervasini (in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Gervasini), Elisabeth Gill, Sanita Gingras, Anne Giordano and Gary Arnold, Ann Gold, Paul A. Grossman, Sue and Blake Hall, William G. Harding (in memory of Roberta Lee August), Adelaide and William Harris, Vicki and Ken Hawkins, Janet and Richard Healy, Peggy and David Heck, Joan and Stephen Hennessey, Elaine T. Hinchcliffe, Susan Hoffnagle and Mark Michelson, Holley Doremus Fund, Lynn Ray Hoopes, Joel Howard, Daphne Hurford and Sandy Padwe, Cindy and Michael Italiaander, Gail and Jeff Jacobson, Dr. Helen Jessup, Diane and Jeff Johnson, Keith Johnson, Jane Kaczmarek, Jane Kaczmarek (in honor of Ted Drum), Jill and Kevin T. Keane, Peggy and Ted Kelley, Alice and Peter Kent, Johanna and Anton Kimball (in memory of Roberta Lee August), Katherine Kinane, Susan and Robert E. King, Joan Kirwin, Betsy Kittredge and Christopher Little, Klemm Real Estate, Inc., Cheryl and Tim Kloczko, Eliza Klose and Harding Bancroft, Margot and David Krimmel, Joan Kunsch (in memory of Robert Huffman and Kennet Oberly), Philip LaFave (in memory of Jean LaFave), LaPlaca Oil and Propane, Patricia and Barry Lawrence (in memory of Gerald Young), Faye Lawson, Robin and Kevin Ledversis, Robinson Leech, Barbara and Charles Lemmen, Diane and Mark Libby, Jack Limpert, Jane and David Lindley, Litchfield Lions Club, Logan & Mencuccini, LLP, Mary and Dr. Richard Loyer, Anne MacDonald, Susan MacEachron and Michael Halloran, Caitlin Macy and Jeremy Barnum, Doris and David Maitland, Dr. Kim Maynard and Andrew Luciano, Marrin Santore Realty, LLC, Donna and Brian Mattiello, Kerwin Mayers, Priscilla and Alan McCord, Brian McCormick, Esq., Ann McGurk, Jacqueline and Philip Miller, Nicholas Moore Fund, Susan Moore (in memory of Robert A. Moore), Lois Moraski, Lois Moraski (in memory of Stanley E. Moraski, Sr.), John Morgan (in memory of Phyllis Morgan), Julia and John Morris (in memory of Ann Smith), Kristin and Grant Mudge, Barbara Niles, Nancy and Godwin Noell, Margo and Russell O'Connor, Jr. (in memory of Edward and Josephine M. Schmitt and Edward J. and Josephine Mattola Schmitt), Patricia and James Okrongly, Gail O’Neil (in memory of Brian J. O’Neil), Denise and Doug Parker, Cathy Perga, William Perotti & Sons, Inc., Linda and Greg Perosino (in memory of Paula O’Heron), Bonetti and Gail Ruwet, Svendsen Laurene and Gerald Pesce, Patricia and John W. Pickard, Judith and Roger Pollick, Virginia and Robert Potter, Erica and Hector Prud'homme, Josephine Radocchio (in memory of Camille Radocchio), Rosina Rand, Jan and Jerome Rathbun, Beverly and Norman Reich, Cynthia and John Reznick (in memory of the Reznick and Ryan families), Cristin and David Rich, Anthony Roman, Linda and Douglas Roth, Diana and Raymond Roy, Barbara and John Rutledge, Barbara and Lewis Schaffel, Marilyn and Richard Schatzberg, Hugh Schoelzel, Mary Lou Serafini (in memory of Rita Pacheco), Peggy and Michael Shanahan, Lisa Lansing, Simont and Doc Simont, Ruth and David Skovron, Sandy and David Slemmer, Teresa and Allan Smith (in memory of Barry Patterson), Terina and Michael Smith, William Spear, Judy Staubo, Peter Steiner, Stillwater Farm, Nancy and Timothy Strini, Susan and William Sweetman, Ann and Robert Switzgable, Joelene and Robert Teittinen, Tara and Jonathan Thompson, Tournesol, LLC, Michael Trapp, Rev. Robert F. Tucker, Christina Hoyt Vanderlip, Bonnie VanGilder and Jonathan Landman, Sally Vaun, Village Wine Imports, Jean Vitalis, Nancy Wadhams (in memory of Roberta Lee August), Beverly and Mark Wawer, Stacie Weiner, Patricia and Walter Williamsen, Robert Winters, Susannah and Willard Wood.
Up to $99
Anonymous gifts, Janet and Salvatore Accardo, Judy and John Acerbi, Harry Ackerman, Yvonne and Joseph Adorno , Ann Amicone, Peter Anderheggen, Julia and Peter Antsey, Ronald Aubel, Joan Auclair, Roberta Lee August, Dorothy and John Bazzano, Robert Beck, Raymond Belding, Linda Bell, Susan Belle-Isle, Rebecca and Edward Bent, Anne and Silvio Berti, Linda and William Bianowicz, Ann and Greg Bidou, Jean and Ralph Blackman, Scott Blackmon and Daniel Kulbarsh, Candace and William M. Boden, Dana and John Bongiorno, Ann and Alan Booth, Ellen Boyd, Carolyn R. Brau, Esther Brodie, Rita and Roger Broggi, Polly Brooks and Reto Morosani, Debra A. Brown, Esq., Josephine Bruni (in memory of Fred P. Bruni), Nancy and John Calhoun, Dr. Mark J. Cantin, Marilyn and Michael Carano, Kay Carroll, Ellen Childs, Laura Cohen and Donald Sexton, Thomas Colligan, Jean and Robert Collins, Anne and John Conboy, Janice and Martin Connor (in memory of Robin Connor), Mary Ellen and Lawrence Connors, Evelyn Cornelio, Susan Cosgriff (in memory of Henry R. Cosgriff), Barbara Creaser, Jean Darlington and Eduardo Marchena, Ginny and Edward Davidson, Alice Dember, Janet Dember, Deirdre DiCara, Donna and James DiMartino, Rita-Clare and Robert Doyle, Lea Dmytryck (in memory of Paul Dmytryck), Carole Dmytryshak, Marie and Ken Doyon (in memory of JoAnne McCormick), Inge Dunham, Laurie and Dary Dunham (in memory of Fred Petersen), George Elling, Anne Marie and Jeffrey M. Engel, Angela Engle, Ruth and Ed Epstein, Robert Fancher, Eloise and Richard Farmer, James Fedorich (in memory of Marge Fedorich), Anne and Frederick Fenn, Audrey and Edward Ferman, Paul Ferry, Laurie and Thomas Filippini, Paul Fleming and Pamela Lund, Leslie and Michael Flowers, Terri and Gary Franzi, Rosemary and David Frauenhofer, Esq., Susan and Michael Fritch (in memory of Ann and Andy DeCroce), Susanne and John Funchion (in honor of Susanne Funchion), Moses Gabelmann, Dianna and Ken Galitello, Nancy and James Garfield, Linda Garrettson, Richard C. Gauthier Drilling & Blasting, Inc., Dolores and Donatantonio Gerardi (in memory of Carmelina and Andrew Pace), Karin Gerstel and Joseph Woodard, Jane Giddens-Jones, Mary Gilman (in memory of Richard M. Gilman), Thomas Gilson, Patricia and Arnold Goldstein, Kathryn and Edward Goodhouse, Thomas Grayson, Carolyn and John Grazia, Martha Green and Alan Cohen, Paula and Joseph Gregoire, Barbara Gridley, Nancy and Philip Groth, Cindy Harmon, Shelley Harms and David Torrey, Cynthia and Robert Hart, Diane and David Hebert, Myra and Leon Helt, Joyce Hemingson, Anne Hepner, Dr. Jill and Dr. George Hetson, Kathy and Chris Hill, Larry Hilt (in honor of the kids), Dr. Molly Hinchman and Russell Guerin, Satomi and Bradford W. Hoar, William Hohensee (in memory of Violet Hohensee), Janet and Carl Hooper (in memory of Mary Coutant), Alison and Kerry Jassen, Wendy and Wayne Jenkins, Candace Jones-Pacholski and Richard Pacholski, Kay and Frederick Joseph, Elisabeth Kaestner and Paul DeAngelis, Kathleen and Thomas Key, Susan and Dr. Randolph Kinkade, King, King & Associates, Jane and George Knapp, M.R. Koether Plumbing & Heating, LLC, Kathleen Krassner, Bernadette Krayeski, Susan Knight, Alfred Langer, Joan and Gerald Libby, Carol and Robert Linden, Karen Linden and Colin Wilson, Kathleen and Joseph Linley, Virginia and William Lovallo (in memory of Clara L. Canfield), Lorraine and Louis Lubus, Carol Magowan, Joyce and Jeffrey Maher (in memory of Mike Maher), Judy and Roger Mahieu, Lucille Maniago, Rose Marchetti, Darcey and John Markelon, Anita and Ronald Martin, Sandy and Bruce Mason, Anita Mathewson, Mark McEachern, Marybeth and Ron McNamee, Barbara McQueen and Roger Behrens, Berta and Matthew Andrulis Mette, Libby Mitchell, Jim Herity, Allison and Mitchell Mohagel, Marie and Terrence Moreschi, Sheila and Paul Moses, Beverly and Bruce Mosher, Phyllis Nauts (in memory of Hendon Chubb), Karen and Mark Neri, George Nichols, Joan and Morgan O’Brien, Esq., Sally and Peter O'Brien, Jr., Karen O'Connor, Barbara and James O’Leary, Charlene and Michael O’Neil, Doreen and Robert Orciari, Barbara and Eric Ottoson, Susie Payne, Eva and Raymond Pech, Connie and Danny Peelman, Susan and John Pelchat, Philip Pepper, Frankie and Dr. Joseph Polidoro (in memory of Robert Grigg), Eleanor and Kenneth Pratt, Michelle and Joseph Pratt, Caryl and Anthony Pucino (in memory of David Childs), Christine Puglio, Christine and Joseph Quartiero, Susan Rand and The Hon. Curtis Rand, Janet Recidivi (with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank), Katherine and Edward Regner, Jean and Everett Reid, Arlene and Robert Revaz, Billie and Arthur Robbins, Dorothy and Roger Robbins (in memory of James and Mildred Zucco), Anthony Roman, Marlene and John Rouleau, Turi Rostad and Ashley B. Rowe, Tillie Roy, George Rusiecki, Diane and Michael Rybak, Esq., Sylvia Saarnijoki, Eleanor and Donald Sauer, Linda and Herbert Schettler, Elaine Schlapak, Marian G. Schroeder, Debra and Gary Schroen, Sheila and Steven A. Sedlack, Mary Ann and Lou Seiser, Doris Sibley (in memory of Harold R. Sibley Jr.), Bee Simont, Nan Skeie, Stewart Smith, Aurora Sokolik, Barbara Spiegel and Thomas Hodgkin, Joe Spirio (in honor of Kevin Mahon), Connie Steuerwalt, Marnell and Richard Stover, Patricia Strawson (in memory of Timothy Considine Sr.), Kathleen and Stephen Stupak, Mary Sullivan (in memory of John R. Sullivan), George Szigeti, Frances and Lee Taliaferro, Coralie Tedesco, Lisa and Gerald Traub, Leticia and Harry Tubman, United Nations Association of Connecticut, Louise and Roy Van Alstyne, Valerie Vitalo (in memory of Frank and Evelyn DeFeo), Darleene and Fredric Wadhams, Laurene and John J. Wallace, Inza and Darrell Wilcoxon, Tracey Wiles, Amy Wynn and Eli Horowitz, Therese and James Zagryn (in memory of Laurie D. Fischberg), and Pamela Zanetto.
Discretionary Funds
Discretionary Funds are a powerful means through which donors enable effective charitable giving where and when it is most needed. Grants are awarded in the name of the fund to nonprofits chosen through a comprehensive selection process administered by the Community Foundation. Discretionary funds provide enormous impact in addressing current and emerging community needs, creating an unending philanthropic legacy for those who make these funds possible.
Bank of Boston Fund est. 1998
Created by local executives at the then Bank of Boston, this permanent fund supports the Community Foundation and the communities it serves.
Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $250 in support of Litchfield Community Center’s SummerFest 2016: All Aboard! Litchfield to London event (total grant $500 with $250 from the Fleet General Fund)
Khurshed Bhumgara Fund est. 2014
This endowed unrestricted fund was established through a bequest from Khurshed Bhumgara. Mr. Bhumgara retired in 2002 from a successful career in capital and real estate development. He settled in Sharon, Connecticut, where he worked tirelessly to support and steward the nonprofits of the Northwest Corner, including serving as a Community Foundation board member for many years.
Estate of Khurshed Bhumgara
Bethlehem Ambulance Association, Inc. | $1,325 in support of the purchase of Prestan Professional CPR Manikins
Church of Christ Congregational Norfolk | $5,000 in support of the repair and restoration of Tiffany stained glass windows in Battell Chapel
Fortunate Blessings Foundation, Inc. | $7,500 challenge grant in support of the Caring for the Caregivers program for staff and volunteers of FISH and New Beginnings
Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Connecticut | $2,450 in support of website development Housatonic Valley Association | $3,000 in support of an assessment by UConn Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of culverts and bridges in the Town of Washington, and a comprehensive Road-Stream Crossing Inventory and Management Plan
Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $1,265 in support of two Keeping History Alive performances
Litchfield Hills Elderly Nutrition Program | $8,000 in support of the purchase of a new Meals on Wheels delivery vehicle
Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation | $10,000 in support of the preparation and production of a report on the opioid epidemic and a community report card
Partners for Sustainable Healthy Communities | $10,000 in support of the preparation of a detailed implementation plan for a regional food hub (total grant $50,000 with $40,000 from the Draper Foundation Fund)
Sharon Land Trust | $1,230 in support of the purchase of a land trust database management software program
Sunrise Foundation for Women | $2,500 in support of assistance for women who are regaining independence after leaving abusive relationships
TriArts at the Sharon Playhouse | $4,000 in support of The Youth Theatre Scholarship Program
Weantinoge Heritage Land Trust | $1,125 in support of redesigned and updated trail guides Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center | $1,800 in support of improvements to the Center's water supply, including installation of a chemical mixing tank, flow meter and new pH electrode
Brooks Bank Fund est. 1970
One of the first to be established at the Community Foundation, this fund was initiated by employees of the Torrington-based Brooks Bank, which subsequently merged with Colonial Bank and Trust Company.
Institute for American Indian Studies | $900 in support of a Native American artist workshop for families during April school vacation week
John Brooks Fund est. 1977
A prominent Torrington banker, Mr. Brooks established this endowment to assist area nonprofit organizations in perpetuity.
Partners for Sustainable Healthy Communities | $500 in support of the Farmer's Table Dinner Sharon Community Foundation, Inc. | $100 in support of printing costs for the NW Cares booklet
Fred and Josephine Bruni Fund est. 2011
Established by family of the late Fred Bruni, this fund supports charitable scientific and educational initiatives in the Northwest Corner.
Torrington Police Activities League, Inc. | $1,000 in support of the cost of supplies for the Dress for Success Back to School Clothing/School Supply Event
Robert Venn Carr, Jr. Fund est. 1985
Founder of the Litchfield County Insurance and Travel Agency in Torrington, Mr. Carr established this endowed fund as a token of his appreciation and to enhance the quality of life for the people of the community.
Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. | $1,250 in support of the purchase of an iPad, art materials, chairs, and an LED activity panel
FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $1,500 in support of the purchase of replacement sheets and towels
Hotchkiss Library of Sharon | $1,500 in support of the purchase of literacy packets presented to the families of babies born at Sharon Hospital
Marion Isabell Coe Fund est. 1998
Grants (made possible by funding from Bank of America) from this trust fund assist under- resourced residents of Litchfield, Warren, Morris and Goshen, with a preference for Litchfield residents.
Cornwall Library Association | $500 in support of Books and Blooms 2016: Author lecture, reception and tour of five Cornwall gardens
Warren Historical Society | $300 in support of a wine and cheese reception and historical exhibit
Eva M. Coty Fund est. 1998
This fund was established by bequest to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Litchfield County.
Prime Time House | $2,500 in support of the purchase of a new fire and security system (total grant $6,100 with $3,600 from the Marion Wm. and Alice Edwards Fund)
Trinity Episcopal Church | $5,000 in support of roof replacement and stained-glass window restoration
Ruth and Robert Cron Endowment Fund est. 2007
This fund honors the memory of Ruth E. Cron, supporting nonprofit organizations throughout the Northwest Corner.
Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $2,000 in support of the cost of two portable folding aluminum wheelchair ramps and two walkers with wheels and baskets
McCall Center for Behavioral Health | $2,000 in support of replacement signage
SpiritHorse Therapeutic Riding Center of Canton, Inc. | $1,500 in support of therapeutic riding lessons for children in the Community Foundation's service area
Women's Support Services | $1,500 in support of the cost of a new computer server
Edward W. Diskavich Fund est. 2016
A longtime Torrington resident, Mr. Diskavich established this fund through his estate plan- ning to support the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.
Estate of Edward W. Diskavich
Marion Wm. and Alice Edwards Fund est. 2004
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, both educators with a long history of civic involvement, were dedicated to learning and devoted to Torrington. This fund was established by a bequest of $2.75 million. It supports the crucial work of nonprofit organizations.
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy | $10,000 over two years in support of the Working Cities Challenge
Covenant to Care for Children | $3,500 in support of the purchase of basic essential goods to keep children and families intact
Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities | $4,000 in support of the purchase of replace- ment appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher)
Marion Wm. and Alice Edwards Fund continued
FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $10,000 in support of gap funding for current year operations due to an unanticipated state budget cut
Friends of American Legion and Peoples State Forests, Inc. | $1,300 in support of printing costs of recreation map, trailhead information, membership application, Trail Guide for Forests booklet
Kent Library Association | $6,500 in support of the purchase of replacement tarps used during the annual outdoor Summer Book Sale
Lake Waramaug Task Force | $7,500 in support of the development and construction of a zooplankton farm to improve water quality at Lake Waramaug
Mental Health Connecticut | $6,400 in support of the purchase of 800 training manuals for a new Mental Health First Aid Program for Litchfield County
NAMI Connecticut | $14,300 in support of two new bilingual mental health programs (NAMI Basics, Parents and Teachers as Allies)
Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $1,500 in support of the cost of Fit Together's 5-2-1-0 and farm-to-school program initiatives for grades K-5 in the Torrington Public Schools
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England | $5,000 in support of the cost of healthcare services for low-income patients who qualify for Planned Parenthood's Torrington Fund for Access
Prime Time House | $3,600 in support of the purchase of a new fire and security system for the building that houses Prime Time House's social program (total grant $6,100 with $2,500 from the Eva M. Coty Fund)
Special Olympics Connecticut Northwest Region | $500 in support of the 2017 Winsted Penguin Plunge
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $800 in support of the cost of replacing a 75-gallon light commercial natural gas water heater for the Prospect Street location (total grant $3,350 with $2,550 from the Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund)
Year-end Critical Needs
Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. | $1,200 Center Congregational Church | $800 Chore Service, Inc. | $600
The Corner Food Pantry | $1,000 Cornwall Social Services | $800
Falls Village Emergency Relief/Fuel Fund | $1,000 Falls Village Senior Center | $500
First Church of Bethlehem | $1,500 Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry | $1,500
Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $600 Helping Hands Chore Service | $600 Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $750 Kent Social Services | $1,000
Litchfield Hills Chore Service | $600 Mental Health Connecticut | $1,000
North Canaan Congregational Church | $500 North Canaan Social Services | $500
Northwest Hills Council of Government | $1,000 Prime Time House | $450
Sharon Community Foundation, Inc. | $600 Sharon Day Care | $1,200
Sharon Food Bank | $500
Town of Warren Social Services | $750 Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut | $750 VNA Northwest, Inc. | $750
Washington Community Fund, Inc. | $1,000 Women's Support Services | $750
First National Bank of Litchfield Fund est. 1997
This endowment supports the Community Foundation and the communities it serves in perpetuity.
Fleet General Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund supports the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.
Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Connecticut | $500 in support of the organization and its mission
Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $250 in support of Litchfield Community Center’s SummerFest 2016: All Aboard! Litchfield to London event (total grant $500 with $250 from the Bank of Boston Fund)
Lucia Tuttle Fritz Fund est. 2008
A lifelong resident of Torrington, Mrs. Fritz established this unrestricted fund through a bequest.
Community Kitchen of Torrington | $5,000 in support of the purchase of food for the daily hot meal prepared and served to food insecure residents
Little Red Schoolhouse Association | $2,500 in support of the cost of roof replacement
Warren Church Community Child Care (through the fiscal sponsorship of Warren Congregational Church) | $4,000 to support the cost of carpet replacement in the infant and toddler room
Wellspring Foundation, Inc. | $2,000 in support of the cost of replacement furniture for the main reception area
Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund est. 1988
Torrington residents Carlton D. Fyler, a chauffeur, and Jenny R. Fyler, an educator, established this endowed fund through their estate planning. The fund continues their lifelong interest in supporting the moral, artistic, intellectual, and physical development of children.
After School Arts Program | $3,300 in support of program supplies for ASAP's 2-week summer arts program
After School Arts Program | $4,000 in support of the Metamorphosis Project for 75 fourth graders from Forbes School in Torrington
CAFTA Connecticut Academy For The Arts | $5,500 in support of Summer Art Camp scholarships for low-income students
Civic Life Project | $4,800 in support of a tuition- free summer camp for 12-16 low-income high school students
Connecticut Public Affairs Network | $3,100 in support of the Torrington Region Connecticut History Day Contest
Danielle Mailer Gallery, LLC (through the fiscal sponsorship of the Northwest Connecticut Arts Council) | $7,000 in support of the final phase of work and installation of the Fish Tales mural
Fortunate Blessings Foundation, Inc. | $3,500 in support of one training program for those who work with children suffering from or at risk for PTSD after being exposed to trauma
Joyful Noise, Inc. | $4,000 in support of the purchase of new choral robes
Junior Achievement of SW New England | $7,500 in support of financial literacy, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship programming for 1,145 students in Colebrook, Litchfield, Torrington, and Winsted
Little Britches Therapeutic Riding | $2,550 in support of therapeutic riding lessons for five riders from the Community Foundation's service area
Norfolk Chamber Music Festival (Yale University) | $5,000 in support of a series of concerts and master classes for 1,000 elementary, middle and high school students
Northwestern Regional High School | $5,400 in support of the cost of parts and refurbishment for a milling machine and replacement drill press and band saw for the robotics team
Nutmeg Symphony | $2,000 in support of two educational concerts serving up to 1,400 third graders from Torrington, Winsted, New Hartford, Harwinton and surrounding communities
Survive the Drive | $1,500 in support of auto crash prevention presentations to high school juniors and seniors
Torrington Police Activities League, Inc. | $1,500 in support of the cost of summer camp for low- income, at-risk youth in the Foundation’s service area
Torrington Public Schools | $1,500 in support of KidsMarathon Final Mile event for 600 Torrington students following 8-10 week in- school training program
Torrington Public Schools | $4,800 in support of shelving and other costs to provide space for a Community Family Learning Center at KidsPlay Museum
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $2,550 in support of the cost of replacing a 75-gallon light commercial natural gas water heater for the Prospect Street location (total grant $3,350 with $800 from the Marion Wm. and Alice Edwards Fund)
YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $2,500 in support of camp scholarships for low-income girls
Keroden Endowed Fund est. 2002
Established anonymously, this unrestricted fund enables the Community Foundation to meet a broad range of evolving community needs.
Greenwoods Counseling Referrals | $10,000 in support of a year-long training, outreach and public awareness program to establish a Trauma Recovery Network for Litchfield County
The Norfolk Land Trust | $4,500 in support of part of the acquisition costs of a 25-acre parcel on Hall Meadow Brook (total grant $5,000 with $500 from Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of n Star Fund)
Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund est. 2008
An open and flexible community resource, this fund was created as an easy and cost-effective way for the general public to be a part of the local philanthropic experience. The fund provides a platform that helps local citizens realize their charitable goals.
Estate of Gladys Fingar | in support of holiday grants
Mary Adams in support of the Washington Art Association
Barron Financial Group | in honor of Barron Financial Group clients
Southside Cafe’s George Mazzaferro 5th Annual Charity Pub Ride proceeds
Robert Alvine | in memory of Rita Pacheco Maria and David Mazzarelli | in support of scholarships
Sally Bergad | in support of scholarships in memory of Rita Pacheco
Christine and Thomas Allen
Roberta Lee August Therese and John Ryan
Kathleen and Murray Schuyler Mary Lou Serafini in memory of George Mazzaferro American Legion Riders Post 195 Ruth Sarah Mazzaferro
Standard Valuation Services
up to $99
Anonymous | through Amazon Smile
Carol and Michael Gould | in support of health and social services
Suzanne and Craig Litwin | in support of scholarships
Karen Noble | in support of arts and culture in memory of Rita Pacheco
Theresa and David Frascarelli
Lucy Serafini Marguerite Tompkins in honor of George Mazzaferro
Deborah and Brian Flinn
Frances and Robert Mazzaferro
Virginia Napiello
Civic Life Project | $1,500 in support of the purchase of a new Apple computer to deliver programming to schools via videoconference
Falls Village Children’s Theater Company at the Center on Main | $250 in support of the organization and its mission
Helping Hands Chore Service | $6,860.40 in support of the organization and its mission David M. Hunt Library | $250 in support of the organization and its mission
David M. Hunt Library | $ 500 in support of “A Library for Nellie Grace” book event
New Opportunities Inc. | $1,500 in support of the Secure Jobs Pilot Project, focusing on Torrington Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $870 in support of camperships from the proceeds of the Southside Cafe’s George Mazzaferro 5th Annual Charity Pub Ride
Torrington Public Schools | $574 in support of Read Aloud Day Literacy Initiative 2017 (total grant $1,000 with $426 from the Roberta Lee August Fund)
Washington Art Association | $5,314.71 in support of the Capital Campaign
Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $500 in support of the 2016 Festival of Trees
YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $870 in support of camperships from the proceeds of the Southside Cafe’s George Mazzaferro 5th Annual Charity Pub Ride
Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star Fund est. 2005
This fund was established in memory of Deborah A. Goldthwaite, Past Matron of Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star.
The Norfolk Land Trust | $500 in support of the acquisition costs of a 25-acre parcel on Hall Meadow Brook (total grant $5,000 with $4,500 from the Keroden Endowed Fund)
Edwin M. Stone and Edith H. Stone Fund est. 1971
Established through the estates of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, this fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Community Foundation’s service area.
Kent Historical Society | $4,000 in support of the cost of environmentally safe storage for artwork and archival materials
Torrington Club Fund est. 1969
This fund established the original Torrington Area Foundation for Public Giving as a community foundation. The fund continues to support the communities of Northwest Connecticut.
The Discovery Center | $1,000 in support of workshops for 380 fourth grade Torrington students and teachers that promote multicultural understanding and appreciation (total grant $1,500 with $500 from the Margaret C. Tupper Fund)
Torrington Savings Bank Fund est. 1997
Established by the management of the Torrington Savings Bank, this endowed fund supports the Community Foundation and the communities it serves.
Torrington Savings Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund supports the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.
Margaret C. Tupper Fund est. 1993 Established through a bequest in her will, Ms. Tupper’s endowed fund will continue to improve the quality of life for future generations of Northwest Connecticut residents.
The Discovery Center | $500 in support of workshops for 380 fourth grade Torrington students and teachers that promote multicultural understanding and appreciation (total grant
$1,500 with $1,000 from the Torrington Club Fund)
Northwest Connecticut Arts Council | $3,000 in support of an economic impact study of cultural nonprofits in Northwest CT
Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center | $500 in support of the 2016 Wisdom Award Celebration
Feliciano and Lydia Turri Zaccheo Fund est. 1999
This endowed fund, which memorializes a well- known Torrington couple, helps to improve the lives of citizens in Northwest Connecticut.
Gilbert School | $1,000 in support of the purchase of age-appropriate books for Winchester Public Schools students in grades K-6
St. Francis Church | $1,500 in support of the cost of plumbing valves and other plumbing parts in their community buildings

Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds enable annual grants to address specific issues within communities important to the fundholder. Based on personal philanthropic goals, fundholders determine grant recipient eligibility requirements—such as a geographic area of service or specific community needs, such as arts enrichment, homelessness or the environment—and the Community Foundation annually provides carefully selected grants in the fund’s name that best reflect fundholders’ philanthropic objectives.
Roberta Lee August Fund est. 1998
This fund was established to honor Miss August, a longstanding Community Foundation volunteer. The fund supports programs in the areas of mental illness and literacy.
in memory of Roberta Lee August
Sandy and David Dolinsky
Harry Massey
Anonymous gift
Anonymous gift | in memory of Tom and Vi O'Brien
Antoniazzi family Corinne and Dino Casali
in memory of Roberta Lee August
Ann and Travers Auburn
Carol and Tom Barron
Nancy and James Garfield
Corky and John Lavieri
Susan Linker
Molly and Charles Roraback
Joelene and Robert Teittinen
up to $99
In memory of Roberta Lee August
Ann and Thomas Bott
Susan and Bradley Bremer
Lynn and Stephen Grant
Sandy Monterose
Gayle Moraski
Cynthia Oneglia
Rose Ponte
Patty and Guy Rovezzi
Louise and Roy Van Alstyne
Law Offices of Donna D. Vincenti
Torrington Public Schools | $426 in support of the Read Aloud Day Literacy Initiative (total grant $1,000 with $574 from the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund)
Miriam Mason Cable Trust Fund est. 2006
Established by Peter Cable of Harwinton in honor of his wife, this fund provides support for human service organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of the Greater Torrington area.
American Red Cross Connecticut Chapter | $1,900 in support of smoke alarms, materials and tools for homes located in the Community Foundation’s service area as part of the Home Fire Preparedness Campaign
Girl Scouts of Connecticut | $870 in support of the Girlz R.U.L.E. summer program for 70 girls from Torrington, Winsted and Harwinton
Harwinton Land Trust | $1,470 in support of the purchase of building materials to extend the Meadowview boardwalk
Harwinton Library (through the fiscal sponsorship of the Town of Harwinton) | $3,775 in support of the purchase of an A.W.E. Early Literacy station computer
Helping Hands Chore Service | $1,500 in support of the cost of transportation to medical appointments for seniors
The Torrington Library | $960 in support of the purchase of two mobile hotspots to lend to patrons, allowing them to connect to the Internet free of charge
Caleb J. Camp Trust
Originally established as a trust almost one hundred years ago to honor a prominent Winsted benefactor, this fund assists under-resourced residents of Winsted.
Helping Hands Chore Service | $3,000 in support of underserved Winsted residents
Robert V. Carr Fund est. 2005
This fund directs much of its support to health and human service organizations, libraries, and to organizations engaged in the promotion of the arts and the beautification of the community.
Northwest Music Association | $1,000 in support of venue costs for the 2016 Baroque summer concert series
Warner Theatre | $5,000 matching grant in support of the cost of a 5-year Capital Needs Assessment Study
Critter Fund est. 2005
Established by the Community Foundation, this endowed fund supports charitable organizations in Northwest Connecticut dedicated to animal welfare. The fund assists with shelter, rescue and adoption, training, prevention of cruelty, spaying and neutering, elderly companionship, services to the disabled and wildlife preservation.
Estate of Gladys Fingar
Roberta Lee August | in memory of Kanga Roberts and David Childs, Miss Lily and Patty JoAnn, Chloe Harding, Martha Sullivan, Oreo Crowe, as well as current and deceased dogs of Gayle Moraski, and all pets of community foundation personnel and Board members
William G. Harding | In memory of Chloe Harding
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | in memory of Roberta Lee August
Up to $99
Betsy Anderson | in memory of Kanga In memory of Chloe Harding
Leslie and Joe Friscia
Laurie and Richard McCue
Linda and Doug O’Connell
Patty and Guy Rovezzi
The Emeritus Fund
Grants from this field of interest fund, which honors past members of the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors for their dedicated service, support the efforts of local nonprofits to enhance their governance.
Carol S. Lugar
Up to $99
William G. Harding | in memory of Roberta Lee August
Linda and Douglas K. O’Connell, Esq
Victoria and Fran Patrick | in memory of Roberta Lee August
1421 Opportunity Fund est. 2002
This fund was created to assist at-risk teens in Northwest Connecticut.
Friends Helping Children Fund est. 1999
Torrington residents created this endowed fund to assist children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of CT and Western MA | $1,000 in support of lodging and services for families staying at Ronald McDonald House while their children are in the hospital for treatment
Anson and Caroline Catlin Hungerford Trust Fund est. 2007
Established by Mr. Newman Hungerford in memory of his parents, this fund assists deserving residents of Harwinton with hospital-related medical expenses.
Kent Cultural Arts and Music Fund est. 2007
This field of interest fund supports cultural programs within the Kent community with a preference for music-related programs that appeal to a wide audience.
The MacCallum Family Fund for Animal Welfare est. 2013
This fund provides for emergency medical care for sick, injured and/or neglected animals through emergency grants that support the treatment of animals brought to animal hospitals by good Samaritans and animals whose owners are in need of financial assistance for their care. The fund also supports efforts to educate the
Sand Road Animal Hospital
Marion Felton
Gwen Melvin
Gayle Moraski | in memory of Chloe Harding
Lois Moraski
Beth and Jason Pajak | in honor of Shirley MacCallum's birthday
Beth, Madison, and Jason Pajak | in memory of Toby MacCallum
Up to $99
Nicole and Joel Easley | in memory of Woobie
McEwan Family Mary Pasteris
Sand Road Animal Hospital, LLC | $350 in support of veterinary expenses for Oscar, a dog
Sand Road Animal Hospital, LLC | $200 in support of veterinarian expenses for two dogs, Bear and Valentino
Sand Road Animal Hospital, LLC | $700 in support of veterinary expenses for Delta, a dog
Louis O. Thibeault Fund for the Advancement of Children’s Education est. 2009
This fund was established by Mr. Thibeault to advance the education of disadvantaged children by addressing obstacles to learning specifically related to their health, well-being and/or deficits in needed assistive technology. The fund strives to enhance learning by assisting families of limited means with associated expenses.

Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds are an increasingly popular means for donors to create greater, longer-lasting impact in their charitable giving. A far more cost-effective and tax beneficial alternative to establishing a private foundation, donor advised funds are often established through gifts of stock or other appreciated assets. Fundholders or their designated successors recommend grants to nonprofit organizations of their choice, while the Community Foundation manages all aspects of administering the fund and overseeing the prudent investment of the fund’s assets.
Borghesi Family Fund est. 1999
Created by Allan and Maria Borghesi, this fund helps to improve the quality of life in Northwest Connecticut.
Third Sector New England | $1,250 in support of a nonprofit workforce compensation study
Susan A. Bruso Memorial Fund est. 2004
Established in memory of Ms. Bruso, a Winsted resident who worked for many years in the technology industry, this fund supports charities in Norfolk and also awards annual scholarships to Botelle Elementary School graduates.
Botelle Elementary School graduates: Lauren Dauphinais and Cody Feathers
The Buchanan Fund est. 2009
A gift from the William E. and Josephine B. Buchanan Family Foundation, Inc., established this donor advised fund, which supports area charitable organizations.
Bank Street College of Education | $3,000 in support of the organization and its mission
Cornwall Historical Society | $5,000 in support of an exhibit focusing on Cornwall artists and authors and the town as a long-standing creative community
Crescendo, Inc. | $5,000 in support of the organization and its mission
Housatonic Valley Association | $1,200 in support of riverside activities in Sharon, Cornwall and Kent as part of the Source to Sound Paddle Adventure along the Housatonic River celebrating the 75th anniversary of HVA
TriArts at the Sharon Playhouse | $15,000 in support of building repair
The Canaan Foundation Non-Endowed Fund est. 2006
The Canaan Foundation, a nonprofit organization, established this community-specific fund to enhance the quality of life for residents of Canaan.
up to $99
Hon. Margaret Cooley
Peter G. Cerruto Memorial Fund est. 2004
Established by family and friends, this fund honors the memory of Mr. Cerruto, a lifelong Torrington resident and a World War II and Normandy Invasion veteran.
Joan and Stephen Altschuler | in memory of Peter Cerruto
Judy Staubo
Up to $99
William G. Harding Jannette Stevens
Award Recipient
Brett Benham
Charter Oak Review Fund est. 2002
This fund was established by Harry Harlow to manage the funds of Charter Oak Review, a nonprofit organization that supports deserving writers.
Susan F. Cogswell Memorial Fund est. 2010
Established in memory of Ms.Cogswell, a lifelong Torrington resident and former state insurance commissioner known for her commitment to public service, this donor advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.
Draper Foundation Fund est. 2012
The late Jim and Shirley Draper’s gift of $30 million will forever serve as a testament to their exceptional kindness and generosity. One of the largest single gifts on record to a community foundation in the state of Connecticut, the fund benefits mainly local charitable organizations by making yearly grants to 19 nonprofits named by the Drapers and through annual donor advised grants.
Estate of James L. Draper, Jr.
Susan B. Anthony Project | $25,000 in support of the Rebuilding Lives Program
Bakerville Library | $12,100 in support of electrical system updates
EdAdvance | $17,500 in support of operating costs while implementing long-term sustainability measures for the Center for Children’s Therapy in the Maria Seymour Brooker Memorial building
Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities | $50,000 in support of the capital campaign to increase the size of the facility
New Beginnings of Northwest Hills Litchfield County, Inc. | $20,000 in support of the renovation of the waiting room and meeting space to better accommodate client and administrative staff needs, and a laundry chute
Partners for Sustainable Healthy Communities | $40,000 in support of preparation of a detailed implementation plan for a regional food hub (total grant $50,000 with $10,000 from the Khurshed Bhumgara Fund)
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | $4,000 in support of the 2016 Torrington-Winsted Pet Parade
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | $8,500 in support of the 2017 Torrington-Winsted Pet Parade
Town of Colebrook | $16,200 in support of the purchase and installation of a large screen TV for the Senior Center and a new dishwasher with grease trap for the elementary school
University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. | $121,250 in two grants in support of scholarships
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $37,700 in support of the implementation of recommended security improvements: portable radio security system, interior door locks, additional security entrance check point, and a more comprehensive surveillance system
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $15,000 in support of the purchase and installation of three SMART Boards
In support of the organization and its mission
Beardsley & Memorial Library | $91,250 in two grants
Colebrook Associates, Inc. | $8,750 in two grants
Colebrook Congregational Church | $18,750 in two grants
Colebrook Historical Society | $5,000 in two grants
Cornell University, Cornell Feline Health Center College of Veterinary Medicine | $8,750 in two grants
W. L. Gilbert Trust Corporation | $36,250 in two grants
Greenwoods Scholarship Foundation, Inc. | $55,000 in two grants
Last Post Cat Refuge | $110,000 in two grants
Little Guild of Saint Francis | $110,000 in two grants
Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $55,000 in two grants
Northwestern Connecticut Community College | $92,500 in two grants
Salvation Army-Estate Admin | $36,250 in two grants
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine | $8,750 in two grants
University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. | $61,250 in two grants
We Adopt Greyhounds, Inc. | $36,250 in two grants
Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $23,750 in two grants
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $23,750 in two grants
Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue | $8,750 in two grants
Year-end Critical Needs
Susan B. Anthony Project | $1,000
Barkhamsted Senior Center | $350
Batcheller Early Education Center | $850
Catholic Charities, Inc., Family Service Center | $400
Church of Christ Congregational Norfolk | $1,000
Community Food Bank | $250
Community Kitchen of Torrington | $1,500
Family & Children's Aid, Inc. | $600
Family Resource Center at Vogel-Wetmore School | $800
FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $1,500
Friendly Hands Food Bank, Inc. | $1,500
Hands of Grace | $1,500
Litchfield Hills Elderly Nutrition Program | $700
McCall Center for Behavioral Health | $500
Neighbor to Neighbor | $400
North Congregational Church | $650
Northwestern Connecticut Community College | $1,500
Operation Overflow | $1,500
Torrington Area Youth Service Bureau | $750
Town of Colebrook | $500
Winchester Center Congregational Church | $750
Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $750
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $750
The Echo Valley Foundation Fund est. 2009
Established anonymously, this donor advised fund supports charitable, scientific and educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut and throughout the region.
Farmington River Watershed Association | $1,000 in support of the Jamie McEwan Triple Crown Race
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp | $15,000 in support of the organization and its mission
Elson-Slemmer Fund for the Environment est. 2007
Established by Sandra Elson Slemmer and David Slemmer, this fund is used primarily for charitable, scientific and educational support relating to the protection of the natural environment with a primary focus in Northwest Connecticut.
Robert B. and Cheryl Freehill Pauls Fund
est. 2015
Established by Robert and Cheryl Pauls, this fund supports the arts—visual and performing—and arts educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut and beyond.
Robert B. and Cheryl Freehill Pauls
Cornwall Library Association | $500 in support of underwriting art exhibits
Litchfield Performing Arts | $500 in support of scholarship assistance for the Litchfield Jazz Camp
Warner Theatre | $600 in support of the Warner Theatre Center for Arts Education Scholarship Fund
Friends of New Hartford Fund est. 2002
Established by longtime New Hartford resident David L. Childs and New Hartford community members, this fund provides grants to charitable organizations in New Hartford.
Ann and Travers Auburn | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Ellen Childs
Melanie Kirkpatrick and Jack David
Nancy and Hon. Norman Rogers | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Caren and Gordon Ross | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Robert Bartos
William B. Hall, Jr. Charitable Fund
Katherine and Robert Morton | in memory of David Childs
Torrington Savings Bank
Regina Wexler
Virginia and Robert Worrest | in memory of David Childs
Jane and Matthew Allyn
Helaine and Jonathan Ayers | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Anita and William Baxter
Elaine and James Bourgoin
Susan and Bradley Bremer | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Susan and Thomas Childs | in memory of David Childs and Katherine C. Childs
Laura and Bruce Clark
Donna and Gary Colavecchio | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Jean Darlington and Eduardo Marchena
Irene and Roger Dietlin
Ellen and George Durstin
Michele Fern
Joseph Fisher | in memory of David Childs
Sanita Gingras
William B. Hall, Jr. Charitable Fund | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Vicki and Ken Hawkins
Peter Hawley
Herbert H. Hedick
Donna Hires | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Allison and Kenneth Kimmerle | in memory of David Childs and Gray Horn
Corky and John Lavieri | in memory of David Childs
Nancy and Jeffrey Linton | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn and David Childs
Timothy Lyman and Alden Smith
Marandino Spirits
Susan and Dr. Joel Markowski | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Julie and Andrew Ossolinski
Mary Perry | in memory of Gray Horn
Tamera and Charles Pompea | in memory of David Childs
Radwick’s Coffee & Sandwich
Cynthia and Philip Rockwell | in memory of David Childs
Caren and Gordon Ross
Linda and Douglas Roth
Mark Rousseau | in memory of David Childs
Louise Rozene and James Kohler | in memory of David Childs and Gaylord Gray Horn
Andrea and Todd Russo
John Russo
Brenda and Keith M. Schaufler
Karin Schneider and Robert Krzys | in memory of Gray Horn
William R. Scoville, CPA
Natalie and Christopher Sihpol
Carolann and Donald F. Streinz
Robert Tonkin
Richard Tripp
Turning Point Realty, LLC
Robin and Richard Weiss | in memory of David Childs
Jane Whitney
Virginia and Robert Worrest | in memory of Gray Horn
up to $99
Asbestos Management Company, LLC
Anne Bailey
Adele and Edward Banas | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Cynthia and William Bohan | in memory of David Childs and Gray Horn
Joanne and Paul Bourdeau, Esq. | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
James Brett
Robin and Thomas Buzzi
Kathleen Castello-Webster and Michael Webster
Constance Cather
June and Keith Chiarillo
Maryann and Edward Chicoski | in memory of David Childs
Josephine Cisco
Paul Cryan
Robin and Wells Cunningham
Lisa and William Cushman
Eloise and Richard Farmer
Alan Gioia
Patricia and Arnold Goldstein
Simone Graffam
Janice and Ben Grainger
Sally Halsey | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Elaine T. Hinchcliffe
Elizabeth and Gordon Hines | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Patsy Keene and Richard Droller
Terry Klim
Karen and John LaPenta
Mildred Loomis | in memory of David Childs
Patty and Richard Marshall
Priscilla and Robert Marshall
Marilyn and Frank McCarty
Nancy and Patrick McCotter
Madeline and George McMahon
Gayle Moraski | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Lois Moraski | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Sheila and Paul Moses
Lois and Anthony Mountzoures | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Judith and Khoury Mubarek | in memory of David Childs
Georgie and Helena Mubarek | in memory of David Childs
Naugatuck Valley Food Distributors, Inc.
Patricia and James Okrongly
Rose and Robert Osborne | in memory of David Childs
Barbara and Eric Ottoson
Laurie Palmer
Marcia and Stephen Potter | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Mary Lou Rayno
Maureen and Alan Regner
Lynn and William Richmond
Brenda and Keith M. Schaufler | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Karin Schneider and Robert Krzys
Pauline Smalley
Maria and Frank Sollitto | in memory of Gaylord Gray Horn
Noeleen and Paul Soraghan
Lane and Baldwin Terry | in memory of David Childs
Fred W. Thorne, Jr.
Cynthia and William Welch
Pamela Wild
Jim & Nancy Garfield Fund for the Arts
est. 2002
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, this fund supports cultural life in Northwest Connecticut.
Ann and Sandy Mazeau
In support of the organization and its mission
The American Mural Project | $250
KidsPlay Children's Museum | $350
Northwest Connecticut Arts Council | $500
Warner Theatre | $250
Richard M. Gilman Memorial Fund
est. 2003
Mary Gilman began this fund to carry on the work of her late husband, Richard, whose efforts to help people extended from Torrington to Zimbabwe.
The Wayne M. Gnazzo & Family Fund
est. 2011
A lifelong Torrington resident, Mr. Gnazzo established this donor advised fund to support charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.
The G&G Educational Foundation-Edward and Rachel Wang Family Fund
est. 2016
Established by the Edward C. Wang, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
G & G Educational Foundation
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor | $3,000 in support of scholarships for students of Asian descent
The G&G Educational Foundation-James P. Wang Family Fund
est. 2016
Established by the James Payton Wang, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
G & G Educational Foundation
The G&G Educational Foundation-Jo Wang and Kiau Loi Family Fund
est. 2016
Established by the Jo Ann Loi family, this fund supports initiatives, scholarships and programming that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America and address the human services needs of Asian people and communities in the United States.
G & G Educational Foundation
Museum of Chinese in America | $400 in support of programs and activities, on behalf of Mei Lan Low
Oberlin Shansi | $700 in support of the Carlson Fund to be used only for student/teacher exchange between the US and China
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia | $800 in support of the Dr. Amy Lee, Fellows Program
United East Athletics Association | $1,000 in support of the Fun Fun Saturday Program, on behalf of Mei Lan Low
US China Strong Foundation | $1,400 in support of the 100 Thousand Strong Campaign, for U.S. students to study in China on behalf of James L. Loi
The G&G Educational Foundation-Nancy A. Wang Family Fund est. 2016
Established by Nancy Ann Wang, this fund supports programming, initiatives, and scholarships that deepen the knowledge and understanding between China and America, and address the human services needs of Asians and their communities in the United States.
G & G Educational Foundation
In support of the organization and its mission
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Asian Law Caucus | $1,200
Asian Immigrant Women Advocates | $1,000
Asian Women’s Shelter | $600
Cameron House Foundation | $600
Chinese Progressive Association | $600
Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra | $1,000 in support of programming
Sue Grossman Still River Greenway Fund est. 1999
Created by the Still River Greenway committees of Torrington and Winsted, this fund supports the construction of a five-mile path for bicycling and walking between towns.
The Jeff and Diane Johnson Community Enhancement Fund est. 2015
Established by Diane E. and James F. Johnson, this donor advised fund primarily supports the charitable, scientific, or educational initiatives in or affecting the people of Goshen.
Diane and Jeff Johnson
Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $1,000 in support of the monthly senior lunch program
Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $500 in support of senior socials
Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde Community Betterment Fund est. 2005
Established by Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde, this fund supports efforts to improve the quality of life in Litchfield County.
In support of the organization and its mission FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $500
KidsPlay Children's Museum | $250
Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $250
Litchfield Community Services Fund | $250
The Torrington Library | $500
Warner Theatre | $500
White Memorial Conservation Center | $250
Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center | $250
Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $250
Richard Leone COCC Fund est. 2004
Mr. Leone, president of Avon-based COCC, established this fund to benefit local charities.
Formerly Connecticut Online Computer Center, Inc., COCC is a leading provider of technology for community banks and other financial institutions in the region.
Local Area Fund est. 2002
Established anonymously, this fund furthers the philanthropic goals of a local donor family.
Local Area Fund est. 2002
Established anonymously, this fund furthers the philanthropic goals of a local donor family.
Norfolk Chamber Music Festival (Yale University) | $25,000 in support of the 2016 Summer Festival
Yankee Institute for Public Policy | $25,000 in support of the organization and its mission
The Merz Family Fund est. 2016
This fund supports charitable, religious, and educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.
Elizabeth and Kenneth Merz
Miles for Moe Fund est. 2011
Established by Torrington residents Emil and Colleen Renzullo, this donor advised fund honors the memory of their son by supporting LARC’s camp for children with and without special needs. The camp’s namesake, Emil “Moe” Renzullo, Jr., succumbed to leukemia in 2010 at age 12.
Alcoa Howmet
Harvest Fest 5k/Silent Auction proceeds
Corinne and Dino Casali
1st Order, Inc.
Linnea and James Mescall, Esq. | in memory of Moe Renzullo and Henry Olson
Carole and Raymond Neag
Andrew Pace
Gregory Susla
BBB Cast
Maria and Allan Borghesi
Michael A. Carbone Building Contractor, Inc.
Robert F. Dwyer, Esq.
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration
Mark Malloy
Susan and Dr. Joel Markowski
McDonald's #7809
O&G Industries, Inc.
Theroux, Nowell & Stoughton, LLC
Torrington Savings Bank
Vet’s Explosives, Inc.
All Star Storage-Torrington, LLC
Avid Concessions LLC
Dorothy Beckley
Alfred Bonvicini
Bowen Agency, LLC
Elinor and Gerard Carbone
Charles Collins
Cook Funeral Home
William A. Conti, Esq.
Explorations Charter School - Students and Staff
Klebe Fuel Company
Cheryl and Tim Kloczko
The Litchfield Bancorp
Daniel E. Livingston
Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly PC
Modern Yankee Builders, Inc.
Abigail and John Moore
Maryann and Terrence Musselman
Northwest Community Bank
Northwest Hills Credit Union
Dr. Matthew N. Pagano
Kathleen Petito
Petricone’s Torrington Pharmacy
Precision Auto, Inc.
Progressive Paving and Construction
Anthony L. Renzullo
Jeanne Ruwet and Thomas Howard
Sehnal Family | in memory of Henry Olson
Maria Seymour Brooker Memorial
Dennis Strand | in honor of Valeria Strand
Wood’s Pit BBQ & Mexican Cafe
Up to $99
Janet and Donald Aeschlimann, Philip Alexander, Asbestos Management Company, LLC, Gail Bado | in memory of Valeria Strand, Mary and Otto Barker, Janet and Raymond Binette, Mary Ann and Edward Boulanger, John Calkins, James Cammilletti, Gary Capitanio, Carmela Carbone, Jean and Robert Collins, Drs. Coutant, Sederquist, Nebor & Clauss, Corrine D'Angelo, Carol Deane, Barbara and Paul Denza, Barbara Dobos, Donna and Francis DuCotey, Eastside Electric Inc., John Fabbri, Cathleen and Daryl Falk, Barbara Ferrarotti, Carol and Patrick Finn, Fire Equipment Headquarters, Inc., Mary Jo Fuoco, James Fournier, Melissa Grauel and Douglas Craig, Mary Grinvalsky, Mary Jane and Richard Gryniuk, Jennifer Hart and Justin O'Neill, Irene Hricko, Iffland Lumber, Kathryn Josefow | in memory of Henry Olson, King, King & Associates, Antoinette Landor, Linda and Robert Lundberg, Cecilia Mescall | in memory of Henry Olson, Mary and Theodore Miasek, Joseph Mitchell, Modern Barber Shop, James Mogob, Nader Associates, LLC, Juli S. Nein, John Newkirk 25, Pauline and John Palladino, Jane and Frank Pennington, Rose Ponte, Robert Porter, Prudential Premier Homes, Christine and Joseph Quartiero, Gail J. Renzullo | in memory of Valeria Strand, Lisa and Michael Soliani, George Szigeti, Torrington Municipal and Teachers Federal Credit Union, Torrington Sash and Door, Union Savings Bank, Valerie Manor, Helen Villazon, Lee Ann Ward, Washington Real Estate Agency, Inc.
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Center for Youth & Families | $1,000 in support of the purchase of a Smart TV, DVD Player, and Wall Mount for CHH Center for Youth & Families Bridges Program
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center | $4,000 in support of the purchase of new equipment in the cancer department
LARC, Inc. | $15,000 in support of camperships for Camp Moe, in memory of Emil, 'Moe', Renzullo, Jr.
Torrington Football Letterman's Club | $1,000 in support of purchase of the Huddle software program, in memory of Emil, 'Moe', Renzullo, Jr.
Torrington Varsity Alumni Club | $2,000 in support of scholar athletes at Torrington High School, in memory of Andy Pace
Robert C. Miller and Carol H. Miller Fund est. 2006
This fund benefits area charitable organizations.
Virginia Museum of Transportation | $200 in support of the Fire Up 611! Program
Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $800 in support of the Carol H. Miller Memorial Books program
The Cara and Carl Muller Fund for Community Support est. 2006
The Mullers created this fund to support emerging community needs.
Carl's True Value | in memory of Matthew Antoniazzi, Eleanor Barber, Marilyn Cleveland, Raymond "Brooklyn" Colangelo, Agnes "Aggie" Deane, John Motyka, John Polson, and Roberta Jean Waldron
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | golf tournament proceeds
New Hartford Education Fund est. 2006
Grants from this fund support educational initiatives in the town of New Hartford.
The Molly O’Connell Fund est. 2011
This fund, established by family of the late Molly O’Connell, supports charitable, scientific, or educational initiatives.
One Twenty One Fund est. 2013
This fund supports charitable, scientific and educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.
The Norfolk Library | $4,000 in support of the organization and its mission
Brian J. O’Neil Memorial Fund est. 2004
This fund was established in memory of Mr. O’Neil, a native of Winsted, after his untimely death on December 3, 2004, at age 50. The husband of Gail Williams O’Neil, Mr. O’Neil was a respected businessman and graduate of The Gilbert School and Central Connecticut State University.
Sandy and David Dolinsky
Pamela and David Corey
Terry and Todd Hall
Up to $99
William G. Harding
Barbara Oneglia Alvarez Tycienski Fund est. 1994
Established in honor of the late Barbara Oneglia Alvarez Tycienski, this fund was established to support youth organizations within the Community Foundation’s service area.
The Francis J. & Louisa J. Oneglia Foundation, Inc.
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club
Up to $99
Jayne and Leo Martigneni | in memory of A. George Oneglia, Nancy and Andrew Smith | in memory of Dorothy Groden
After School Arts Program | $2,000 in support of transportation for student participants of the Inter-District Strings Project
Andrew Pike Memorial Fund est. 2010
Established by family of the late Andrew Pike, this donor advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.
Cory Pike | in memory of Andrew Pike
John A. Ponte Memorial Fund est. 2010
Established by Mr. Ponte’s friends and family, this fund is named for a popular Torrington businessman.
Rebensacla Fund est. 2010
Established anonymously, this fund supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.
Trinity Lime Rock Episcopal Church | $500 in support of operating expenses
Virginia and Joseph Ruwet Fund est. 2016
This fund was established to honor life-long Torrington community members Virginia and Joseph Ruwet.
Thomas Howard and Jeanne Ruwet
JoAnn Ryan Fund est. 2003
This fund was established to support various local charities
Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes Fund for Programs for Women and Children est. 2006
Torrington businesswoman Susan Strand established this fund to honor her late parents, Polly and Wesley Strand, and her uncle, James L. Holmes, for their devotion to community service.
Community Kitchen of Torrington | $2,000 in support of the organization and its mission
Seth L. Tracy Memorial Fund for Special Needs est. 2004
Established by the family of Seth Leo Tracy, this fund honors Seth’s memory with grants to organizations that serve individuals with special needs.
Autism Speaks | $250 in support of the organization and its mission
W. L. Gilbert Trust Corporation | $250 in support of the Student Emergency Fund
Weigold Family Fund est. 2001
This fund awards annual grants to nonprofit organizations that assist children with disabilities or terminal illnesses.

The Women & Girls Fund est. 1999
Established as a giving circle in 1999 by a small group of women who shared a concern for the real-life needs of local women and girls, the Women & Girls Fund has grown to more than 200 supporters who help women and girls develop skills, attain economic security, and improve their quality of life.
Barbara Dughi and Christopher Brigham | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Northwest Community Bank | RHOK Jr. sponsorship, People's United Bank, Wealth Management | RHOK Jr. sponsorship, Nancy Wadhams
Julia DeMichiel, Anthea Disney
Judy and David Addazio, JoAnn and Dr. Harry Briggs | in memory of Lisa Perretti Bodenstadt, Claire and Robert Dombi, Anna and J. Richard Heys, Carol Lugar, Barbara and James Millar, Jennifer Paul | The Hartford employee giving, Susan and Martin Schnurr, Lesa Vanotti | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Kathleen and Michael Voldstad, Dr. Elizabeth Whalen, Hon. Roberta Willis and Bill Willis, Women & Girls Fund reception donations
Joan Altschuler, Judi Armstrong, Ann and Travers Auburn, Cynthia Barrett, Tina Bernacki, Joanne Borduas | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Annesa Borla, Joyce Briggs | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Veronica Burns, Susan Carroll, Hope S. Childs, Hon. Margaret Cooley, Ellen and Carl Culbreth, Jeanne and William Danaher | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Sharon Dante | in memory of Mary Ellen Adamo, Andrea Doyle Asman, Esq., Jonathan Dughi | in honor of Barbara Dughi, Peggy and Jeffrey Geddes | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Marie C. Gervasini, Betsy and Bill Goff, Carol and Michael Gould, Amanda S. Hill, Lynn Ray Hoopes, Farida and Ghulam Jilani, John M. Kelley, Debra Kenneson, Catherine Kerr, Corky Lavieri, Eileen and Peter Litwin, Lorraine and Louis Lubus, Robin and Hon. Michael Magistrali | in honor of the Wedding of Candy Perez and Nora Mocarski, Kerwin Mayers, Mary Jane and James Mazzarelli, Nancy Novogrod, Victoria and Fran Patrick, Janet Petricone, Martha and Kevin Phillips, Faith Poliquin, Heidi Picard-Ramsay, Louisa and Chip Roraback, Tina Rossi, Robin Ruwet-Turpin, Marlene and Christopher Smith, Judy Staubo, Carole St. Mark, Rachel Tway-Grant and Junior English | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Carol Walzer, Sandra Zielinski | in memory of Roberta Lee August
Up to $99
Berta Andrulis Mette, Berta and Matthew Andrulis Mette, Martha and Robert Bernstein, Polly Brooks | in honor of unsung women, Kim Brown, Cailin Cerruto, Gladys Cerruto, Community Health & Wellness Center of Greater Torrington, Judith Crouch, Abbey Darer, Ginny and Edward Davidson, Ingeleiv and Donald Day, Barbara Douglas, Barbara Douglass, Ph.D., Carole Dmytryshak, Patricia Donovan, Nicole and Joel Easley, Ruth and Ed Epstein, Ingely Forbes, Linda and Paul R. Frank, Rosemary and David Frauenhofer, Esq., Helen Trubek Glenn, Terry Goodwin, Gary Grant, Martha Green, Rachel Hart | in honor of Daria Hart, Barbara Herbst | in honor of Judi Armstrong, Anna and J. Richard Heys, Carrie Hodel, Ruthann and Paul Horvay, Housatonic Youth Service Bureau, Howd Lavieri & Finch, Roberta Janco, Kathleen Katrenya | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Laura Lasker, Nina LeMay, Diane Libby, Cheryl and Carl Lindquist, Kiau and Jo Loi | in memory of Ann Cuddy, Regina Madigan, Maura Malo, Jennifer Marchand | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Donna Marconi | in memory of Rita Pacheco, Joyce and Robert Marcotte, Eileen Marriott, Carolyn Mazzarelli, Barbara McCleary, Susan McGowan, Kathryn and Frederick Minck | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Judith and George Motel, Joan O’Brien, Joan and Morgan O’Brien, Esq. | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Cynthia Oneglia, Gloria Oneglia, Barbara Pappalardo, Victoria and Fran Patrick | in memory of Marilyn Reis Cleveland, Jennifer and The Honorable Leo Paul, Jr., Shirley Pedone | in honor of Robin Pedone, Lorraine Petricone, Josephine Radocchio | in memory of Camille Radocchio, Lori Riiska CPA, LLC, Julie Scharnberg, Barbara Spiegel, Barbara Spiegel and Thomas Hodgkin, Barbara Stone, Norma Sweet-Loverin, Katharine and Walter Thompson, Faye Tway-Grant, Sanda and John Ursone, Ruth Ursone Napoleone, Marie Wallace | in memory of Roberta Lee August, The Hon. Roberta Willis and Mr. Bill Willis | in memory of Roberta Lee August, Mary Winslow, Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center, Margaret Woodin
Community Health & Wellness Center of Greater Torrington | $3,500 in support of educational workshops on job search and readiness, and personal budgeting
Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $1,400 in support of the Summer Internship program
Mental Health Connecticut | $1,000 in support of the purchase of a laptop and printer, bus passes, and GED test preparation books
New Opportunities Inc. | $2,500 in support of two full-day workshops for personal development and goal-setting
Prime Time House | $2,000 in support of the Clubhouse Program, which helps to identify and remedy tuition needs; job-related wardrobe needs; and, job-related transportation needs, leading participants to economic self-sufficiency
Youth Fund est. 2000
Established through the generosity of the Borghesi family, the Youth Fund supports the Community Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy program, which serves to perpetuate community leadership by helping young people develop positive connections to their communities. The Youth in Philanthropy program is designed to give young people a platform for expression and innovation that can bring about new and sustainable solutions to community issues. Through their participation in school-based youth in philanthropy councils, students learn lifelong lessons about charitable giving and volunteering. They make annual grant recommendations to the Community Foundation based on their examination of issues impacting youth, in particular, and their community, in general, and also help to raise money for this endowed fund.
Judy Staubo
Designated Funds
Designated Funds are established to provide grants to specified nonprofit organizations in perpetuity. Often created by bequest, these funds ensure a steady stream of annual income to the fundholders’ favorite nonprofit organizations for as long as the nonprofit continues in the effective pursuit of its mission.
Mary H. Coutant Fund for Rising Star Camp est. 2001
Established in recognition of Mary H. Coutant’s contributions to the community, this endowment supports programs that benefit at-risk children through the Winchester Youth Service Bureau aged 5 to 15 by encouraging healthy choices and goal-setting.
Sandra Roberts
Thomas Howard and Jeanne Ruwet
Northwest Connecticut YMCA, Winsted Branch | $1,500 in support of Rising Star Camp
Gillian and Polly Fund est. 2001
This endowed fund supports Trinity Episcopal Church in Torrington and the Susan B. Anthony Project.
Susan B. Anthony Project | $350 in support of the organization and its mission
Dr. John S. Glenn Fund for Nurses est. 2000
Grants from this fund benefit clinical staff at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.
Bette and Jerry Geci | in memory of Dr. John S. Glenn
Up to $99
Hon. Margaret Cooley Jennifer Glenn Wuerker
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $1,400 in support of the education of nurses.

Holley-Doremus Fund est. 2010 Established by the late Mary Holley Doremus, of Harwinton, with the remainder of a trust created during her lifetime, this fund provides grants to a variety of area charitable organizations.
In support of the organization and its mission Susan B. Anthony Project | $320
Community Mental Health Associates | $160 Harwinton Historical Society | $160 Harwinton Land Trust | $160
Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation | $160
Torrington Historical Society | $320
United Way of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. | $320
Keroden Designated Fund est. 2002
Established anonymously, this fund provides support for Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $11,500 in support of the organization and its mission
Litchfield Community Center Music Fund est. 2002
Established by the late Dan North, this endowed fund supports danceable music programs held at the Litchfield Community Center
Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $4,025 in support of the Youth & Teen Dance, Friday Feast & Dance, Troubadour, BrewFest, and the Donor Party
Litchfield Community Center Music Fund | $7,340 in support of Youth & Teen Dance; Friday Feast & Dance; SummerFest Gala; Kids Concert, Kais & Dollz Concert and Survivor's Swing Band
Litchfield Community Center Music Fund | $9,675 in support of Youth & Teen Programs, Bands for Fridays, Starry Night Cafe, Family Nights, and Music Afternoons

Agency Fund Contributions, Gifts and Disbursements
Agency Funds are established by nonprofits to support their charitable needs. The Community Foundation handles the management and stewardship of their charitable assets to enable a stable source of revenue for the nonprofit at a low cost. This frees the nonprofit and its board of directors to concentrate on the pursuit of the nonprofit’s charitable mission.
American Legion Post 46 Fund for Goshen Community Care and Hospice, Inc. est. 2008
Established with donations from the Legion post, this fund supports the work of Goshen Community Care and Hospice.
Susan B. Anthony Project Funds est. 2007
These funds support the Susan B. Anthony Project and its affiliated agencies. The Susan B. Anthony Project promotes safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence:
Susan B. Anthony Project Capital Improvement Reserve Fund
Susan B. Anthony Project Endowment Fund
up to $99
Rachel Hart | in honor of Daria Hart
Hon. Margaret Cooley
Agency Contributions
Susan B. Anthony Project | $103,733.07
Agency Disbursements
Susan B Anthony Project Endowment Fund | $40,000
The Beekley Library Funds est. 2010
This collection of designated agency funds supports the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of and capital improvements to The Licia and Mason Beekley Community Library and maintenance of the library’s piano and gardens.
The Beekley Library Capital Fund The Beekley Library Future Building Construction Fund
The Licia Beekley Garden and Winar Piano Fund
The Licia and Mason Beekley Community Library Endowment Fund Agency Contribution | $500
Robin and Richard Weiss
The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills est. 2004
This fund provides complementary therapy programs, such as massage therapy, oncology nutrition, social work services and yoga, and provides financial support for cancer patients in active treatment.
During 2016, more than 200 individuals donated more than $100,000, most in memory of loved ones. For a complete list of gifts, please contact The Center for Cancer Care P.O. Box 1801 Litchfield, CT 06759
Agency Disbursement
The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills | $175,000
Chore Service Endowment Fund est. 2009
This designated agency fund supports Chore Service, Inc. in perpetuity, a nonprofit that helps senior and disabled residents of Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Kent, Norfolk, Salisbury and Sharon stay at home safely and independently.
Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds est. 2005-2016
These funds are used for land acquisition and management with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large. In addition to these funds, the Student Grants Fund provides scholarships to Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment:
Bennett Stewardship Fund Brokaw Stewardship Fund
Cooley Stewardship Fund
Dodd Stewardship Fund
Endowment Fund
Fox/Lane Stewardship Fund
General Stewardship Fund
up to $99
Hon. Margaret Cooley Hare Stewardship Fund
Hart Stewardship Fund
Hofer Stewardship Fund
Ives Stewardship Fund
Operating Fund
Agency Disbursement
Cornwall Conservation Trust, Inc. | $120,000
Prud'homme Stewardship Fund
Rattlesnake Preserve Stewardship Fund
Reserve Fund
Rogers Stewardship Fund
Selby Stewardship Fund
Trinity Forest Stewardship Fund
Erica and Hector Prud’homme
VanValkenburgh/Burkardt Stewardship Fund
Walker Stewardship Fund
The Cornwall Foundation General Fund est. 2002
This fund supports The Cornwall Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents of Cornwall.
Agency Disbursement
Cornwall Foundation | $5,000
Cornwall Historical Society Funds
These funds support the charitable, scientific and educational mission of the Cornwall Historical Society with current income and long-term stability:
Cornwall Historical Society Endowment Fund est. 2012
up to $99
Hon. Margaret Cooley
Cornwall Historical Society-Norman Dorsen Fund est. 2014
Cornwall Library Fund | est. 2008
Established through the Edwards Community Endowment Project, this permanent fund contributes to the library’s long-term stability.
Hon. Margaret Cooley
Five Points Gallery Fund est. 2013
This non-endowed fund was established to support the charitable purposes of Five Points Gallery.
Friends of Hospice Funds est. 2002 and 2007
Multiple agency funds support Friends of Hospice, the foremost provider of services for terminally ill residents of Litchfield, Harwinton and Torrington:
Friends of Hospice Endowment Fund Agency Disbursement
Friends of Hospice | $15,000
Friends of Hospice Mildred S. Pascale Fund
up to $99
Margaret and William Sullivan
Friends of Hospice Rockefeller Fund
Foundation for Norfolk Living, Inc. Fund est. 2006
This agency pass-through fund supports the charitable purposes of the Foundation for Norfolk Living.
Leila and Daniel Javitch
Goshen Community Care and Hospice Fund est. 2005
Grants from this fund are used to help finance health care in the town of Goshen, especially for the elderly and chronically ill.
Goshen Historical Society Funds
These agency funds support the long-term needs and capital needs of the Goshen Historical Society:
Goshen Historical Society Capital Fund est. 2011
Goshen Historical Society Endowment Fund est. 2008
Goshen Public Library Endowment Fund est. 2006
This fund supports the Goshen Public Library in perpetuity.
Agency Contributions
Friends of Goshen Public Library | $4,000
Bernice H. Harmon Hospice Fund est. 2012
This endowed fund provides current income and long-term protection for the operations of the Goshen Community Care and Hospice, Inc.
Harwinton Library Friends Funds
These agency funds support the mission of Harwinton Library Friends as well as charitable scientific or educational initiatives in Harwinton:
Harwinton Library Friends Fund | est. 2012
Harwinton Library Friends-Stasia Motuzick Endowment Fund | est. 2015
Heritage Land Preservation Trust Funds est. 2008
These funds support the charitable purposes of the Heritage Land Preservation Trust:
Heritage Land Preservation Trust Endowment Fund
Heritage Land Preservation Trust Fund
Agency Disbursement
Heritage Land Preservation Trust, Inc. | $30,000
Heritage Land Preservation Trust Northwoods Fund
Theodore A. Hungerford Memorial Museum Association Endowment Fund est. 2010
This designated agency fund supports the museum and its mission in perpetuity.
The Institute for American Indian Studies Fund est. 2015
This endowed designated agency fund supports The Institute for American Indian Studies in its charitable mission to preserve and promote the spirit of the first people.
Agency Disbursement | $85,000
Litchfield Community Center Reserve Fund est. 2014
This agency fund supports the operations and capital needs of the Litchfield Community Center and its charitable, social, and educational initiatives.
Litchfield Garden Club Centennial Fund est. 2013
This agency fund was established to further the Litchfield Garden Club’s charitable mission to educate members and the public in scientific and artistic methods of gardening, stimulate interest in horticulture, encourage and assist in civic beautification, raise environmental awareness, and protect and conserve our national and historic heritage.
Agency Contributions
Litchfield Garden Club $700
The Little Guild Funds
These funds provide for long-term needs and support the charitable efforts of The Little Guild of Saint Francis, provide protection for operations, and support the charitable efforts of the shelter for homeless pets:
The Little Guild Endowment Fund | est. 2011
Up to $99
Hon. Margaret Cooley
The Little Guild Operational Fund | est. 2012
Elizabeth and James Fishman Sherry LaPorte
Agency Disbursement
Little Guild of Saint Francis | $150,000
Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation Fund est. 2016
This fund supports the charitable mission of the Norfolk Connecticut Children's Foundation that no Norfolk child should be denied civic, educational, social, or cultural enrichment opportunities because of financial need.
Agency Contributions
Norfolk Connecticut Children's Foundation, Inc. | $350,569.87
Agency Disbursement
Norfolk Connecticut Children's Foundation | $10,000
Town of Norfolk | $5,000 in support of Weekend in Norfolk
The Norfolk Foundation Fund est. 2015
This fund supports the charitable purposes of the Norfolk Foundation, contributing to the sustainability and revitalization of Norfolk in relationship to the area’s natural, artistic, and cultural attractions.
George M. Cronin Fund
Ruth and Stephen Melville
Leila and Daniel Javitch
Doreen and Michael Kelly
Agency Disbursement
The Norfolk Foundation | $20,648.45
Northwestern CT YMCA Funds est. 2007
These agency funds provide operational support and perpetuate the charitable purposes of the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA and support the YMCA’s efforts to nurture the development and leadership potential of area children and teens:
Northwestern CT YMCA Fund Agency Contributions
Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $14,685.57
Agency Disbursements
Northwestern CT YMCA | $79,198
Northwestern CT YMCA Designated Project Fund
Northwestern CT YMCA Endowment Fund Northwestern CT YMCA Youth Leadership Fund
Roberta Lee August | in honor of Sandy Roberts
Agency Disbursements
Northwestern CT YMCA Youth Leadership Fund
Railroad Museum of New England – Hazel Koch Fund est. 2005
This fund supports the Railroad Museum of New England in perpetuity.
The River Stewards of Tomorrow Fund est. 2009
Proceeds from this designated agency endowment support the Housatonic Valley Association’s conservation efforts by educating and training future generations to be stewards of the environment.
Agency Contributions
Housatonic Valley Association | $500
Agency Disbursements
Housatonic Valley Association | $5,000

Sharon Land Trust Funds est. 2014
These funds support the protection and preservation of lands with special scenic, natural, environmental, recreational, historic, or agricultural value for the rural atmosphere of the town of Sharon. The Mary Moore Fund provides land stewardship for the nature preserve or sanctuary bequeathed to the Sharon Land Trust by Mary Moore:
Mary Moore Fund
Sharon Land Trust Endowment Fund
Sharon Land Trust Stewardship & Protection Fund
The Sharon Woman’s Club Scholarship Fund est. 2014
This fund furthers the charitable mission of the Sharon Woman’s Club to stimulate and encourage all efforts toward intellectual and social betterment in the home and in the community.
The Taconic Learning Center Fund est. 2014
This agency fund supports the charitable mission of the Taconic Learning Center to provide the opportunity and resources for lifelong education and self-development for residents of Northwest Connecticut and adjacent communities in New York and Massachusetts.
Agency Contributions
Taconic Learning Center | $5,000
Lee Tangarone Memorial Fund for Children's Programs and Collections est. 2012
This non-endowed fund supports children’s books, materials, and programming at the Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library.
Ann and Travers Auburn, Sue and Blake Hall

Torrington-Winsted Rotary Fund est. 2002
The Torrington Rotary established this fund to support its continued service to the community.
Up to $99
Carl's True Value | in honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Bob & Regina Neal and the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Jim & Rita Zeller
Agency Contributions
Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | $434
Torrington Veteran’s Memorial Wall Fund est. 2013
This fund supports the maintenance of the Veteran's Memorial Wall located at 140 Main Street, Torrington, as well as the Association's charitable work to honor and memorialize local veterans and educate the public about the role of local veterans throughout history.
United Way Funds
These funds support the local United Way’s ongoing operations and support agency operations:
United Way of Northwest Connecticut’s “1943 Society” Fund est. 2005
United Way of Northwest CT Unrestricted Operating Fund est. 2011
VNA Northwest Endowment Fund est. 2016
This endowed agency fund was established to support the VNA Northwest CT charitable mission to provide home health, hospice and wellness programs in a professional and caring manner to residents of Litchfield County.
Agency Contributions
VNA Northwest, Inc. | $2,368,967.11
Warren Public Library Fund est. 2016
This fund supports the Warren Public Library in its mission to meet and anticipate the community’s intellectual and social needs, including providing a place for the discovery and exploration of ideas.
Agency Contributions
Warren Public Library | $53,839.56
The Warner Theatre Sustainability Fund est. 2015
This agency fund supports the efforts of the Warner Theatre toward the development of performing, visual, and literary arts through media presentations and local community stage productions; the providing of a venue for local and regional organizations, and national touring companies, and artists; the providing of educational opportunities to all; and the preservation and maintenance of the historical Warner Theatre building, Nancy Marine Studio Theatre, and the Warner Campus.
O&G Industries, Inc.
Rose Ponte
Agency Contributions
Warner Theatre | $27,000
Washington Art Association, Inc. Funds
These agency funds support the charitable purposes of the Washington Art Association:
Washington Art Association, Inc. Fund
Washington Art Association, Inc. Endowment Fund | est. 2009
Washington Art Association Capital Campaign Fund | est. 2015
Elizabeth R. Rea
Agency Contributions
Washington Art Association, Inc. | $7,500
Agency Disbursements
Washington Art Association | $5,000
Washington Garden Club Investment Fund est. 2015
This agency fund supports the charitable mission of the Washington Garden Club to develop knowledge of and a love for gardening among its members and the public, to enhance the natural beauty of the Washington, Connecticut, community through civic plantings, and to promote the conservation of natural resources.
Winsted Area Child Care Center Endowment Fund est. 2012
This fund provides current income and long-term security for the Winsted Area Child Care Center.
Agency Contributions
Winsted Area Child Care Center | $10,000
Winsted Health Center Foundation Fund est. 2016
This fund supports the Winsted Health Center Foundation in perpetuity as the Foundation works to establish and maintain healthcare services primarily in Winchester, and the surrounding communities, to conduct education programs for the benefit of the public at large and to expand economic stability in the community through the provision of healthcare-related employment.
Agency Contributions
Winsted Health Center Foundation | $972,892.64
Wisdom House Endowment Fund est. 2004
This endowment provides funding to support the mission of Wisdom House, a center for spiritual growth since 1949.
YMCA Camp Mohawk / Arlene Foulds Memorial Fund est. 2008
This fund, established in memory of Arlene Foulds, supports the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for girls.
Agency Disbursements
YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $500
YMCA Camp Mohawk / Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund est. 2006
Proceeds from this fund, established in memory of Cindy Morse and her inspirational leadership as a director and trustee of the camp, support the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for Girls in perpetuity.
Agency Disbursements
YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $3,320
Scholarship Funds with Gifts and Awards
Scholarship and Academic Award Funds are established to support educational purposes. Fundholders can restrict a scholarship fund to students attending a specific educational institution or pursuing specific courses of study. Community Foundation staff work with guidance counselors and coaches to locate eligible students, facilitate the application process and award recipients.
Mary Ellen Adamo Scholarship Fund est. 2004
Established by the family of Mary Ellen Adamo to honor her memory, this fund provides tuition assistance to female students at Torrington’s Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts.
Russell Anderson, Carmen Brooks Anderson, and Henry Vail Brooks Scholarship Fund est. 2000
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Torrington High School who plan to major in industrial arts, teaching, or nursing. Recipients are chosen based on financial need, academic excellence, character, and citizenship.
Scholarship Recipients
$23,000 awarded to 13 Torrington High School graduates
Russell Anderson, Carmen Brooks Anderson, and Henry Vail Brooks Scholarship recipient

Betsy L. Bertoli Scholarship Fund est. 2001
Recipients of this scholarship are graduates of Torrington High School who plan to pursue a career in accounting or business administration/management.
Up to $99
Christine and John Koplas
Scholarship Recipient
$300 awarded to a Torrington High School graduate
Khurshed Bhumgara Fund est. 2014
Estate of Khurshed Bhumgara
Scholarship Recipients
$9,300 awarded to 23 Northwest Connecticut students
Russell F. Bruno Scholarship Fund est. 2001
This fund provides an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who has excelled in English and plans to pursue college studies in writing, literature, journalism, or related fields.
Jack and Ruth Calder Scholarship Fund est. 2002
This scholarship benefits deserving high school graduates from Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Litchfield, New Hartford, Norfolk, Torrington, or Winsted.
Penelope and Clement Sidlosky
Up to $99
Lorraine and John Calder
Scholarship Recipient
$400 awarded to a Litchfield High School graduate
Mae Casali Bonvicini Scholarship Fund est. 2001
This scholarship was established to benefit outstanding graduates of Torrington High School with financial need who are pursuing degrees at four-year colleges or technical schools.
Scholarship Recipients
$2,250 awarded to three Torrington High School graduates
Steven A. Chupka Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical High School who demonstrate financial need, academic merit, and community service. Preference may be given to students with an academic focus in electronics, but students pursuing other fields of study also are eligible to apply.
Janice and Andrew Chupka
Geraldine Zimmerman | in memory of Paul Zimmerman
Scholarship Recipient
$350 awarded to Oliver Wolcott Technical High School graduate
Tim Considine Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2013
Established in honor of beloved community member Tim Considine, this fund provides support to Torrington residents currently enrolled as seniors in a high school or vocational technical school who are seeking admission to an accredited university. Preference is given to students who participate in school and/or organized sports while demonstrating academic achievement and a commitment to organized religion and who display exemplary character through either extracurricular accomplishments or community service.
Tee It Up for T. Cons proceeds
Kevin Mahon – ALS & Tim Considine Fundraiser
Barbara and Paul Denza, Ann Marie and Steven Lancor, Terina and Michael Smith | in memory of James Pellegren, Joan Becker, Anthony J. Boucino Jr., Jane Gill, A. H. Harris & Sons Inc., Knights of Columbus, Wendy and Frank Maggiorotto, Janet and Kevin Michel, Michael Pellegren, Jayne and Norman Sholtis, Barbara Speight, James Telesco, Evelyn Triggs, Walter Yonkaitis
Up to $99
In memory of James Pellegren, Debra and Michael Bednarz, Kathy Belizze, Thomas Caputi, Cheryl Considine, Kimberly and Scott Corwin, Pat, Carol, Maggie, Kevin and Connor Finn, Mary and Lee Kilmer, Myra Monteagudo, Phillip Pellegren, Donna and Robert Puzacke, Elizabeth and Willard Reynolds, Robert Spadaccini, Warren Wezel, Kim Joyce Wien
Scholarship Recipients
$2,000 awarded to two Torrington graduates
"I am honored to have been chosen to receive this special scholarship award in honor of Mr. Considine who contributed so much to our community. This award will make my goal of becoming a cardiac surgeon a reality."
Tim Considine Memorial Scholarship recipient
Dick Cooke Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2011
This fund benefits Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, academic merit, and community service.
Scholarship Recipient
$900 awarded to a Torrington High School graduate
Cornwall Conservation Trust Student Grants Fund est. 2008
The Student Grants Fund provides scholarships to Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment.
Scholarship Recipients
$5,200 awarded to nine Region 1 graduates
Jeannine and Gerald Coutu Memorial Fund est. 2008
This fund was established by the three Coutu children in honor of their parents, longtime residents of Canton.
Edward W. Diskavich Scholarship Fund est. 2016
Mr. Diskavich established this fund through his estate planning to support the educational goals of graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical School.
Estate of Edward W. Diskavich
Scholarship Recipients
$3,200 awarded to 10 Northwest Corner graduates
Frances H. Ducci Scholarship Fund est. 2003
Mrs. Ducci, who was a resident of New Hartford, established this endowed scholarship fund to benefit graduates of a public high school who reside in the Community Foundation’s service area.
Elaine and Paul Dinto, Paul Dinto
Up to $99
Bonnie Simon
Scholarship Recipients
$3,500 awarded to four Northwest Connecticut students
Marion Wm. Edwards Scholarship Fund est. 2000
This scholarship benefits Torrington High School graduates who are continuing in Italian studies.
Michele Farley Pittler Scholarship Fund est. 2002
This memorial fund provides scholarships to Torrington High School graduates based on financial need, academic merit, and community service.
Scholarship Recipients
$1,300 awarded to two Torrington High School graduates
Charles and Pierina Fossati Scholarship Fund est. 2009
Established through a bequest by Eleanor Fossati in memory of her parents, this scholarship is awarded to Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, exemplary character, and academic achievement.
Scholarship Recipient
$900 awarded to a Torrington High School graduate
Italian-American Republican Club Scholarship Fund est. 2000
Recipients are Torrington residents of Italian descent entering their junior or senior year of college who are majoring in political science, government, history, or pre-law.
Diane and Jeff Johnson Scholarship Fund est. 2009
This scholarship fund benefits Goshen residents based on financial need and extracurricular accomplishments.
Scholarship Recipients
$6,000 awarded to two Goshen students
Earle R. Julian Scholarship Fund est. 2005
Established by Elizabeth Julian in memory of her late brother, this scholarship benefits past graduates of St. Anthony School who plan to pursue a career in accounting.
Health Care Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
This fund supports the educational goals of Region 1 students pursuing a career in the healthcare field.
Agency Contributions
Health Care Auxiliary | $168,861.10
John A. and Ann K. Mettling Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in honor of John and Ann Mettling.
Scholarship Recipients
$500 awarded to one Northwest Connecticut graduate
Kenneth K. Mills Scholarship Fund est. 2006
Per the will of Mr. Mills, this fund provides scholarships to Shepaug Valley Regional High School graduates who will be attending Rutgers University.
Chuck Pataky Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2012
This scholarship supports graduating senior(s) at Torrington High School who participate in athletics and demonstrate exceptional character, effort, and determination despite challenging life circumstances.
Scholarship Recipient
$800 awarded to one Torrington High School graduate
Friends of John Ponte Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2010
Established in tribute to a prominent Torrington businessman and community activist who died unexpectedly in 2004 at age 44, this fund provides scholarship support for graduating high school athletes who exemplify traits possessed by Mr. Ponte, including character, leadership, scholarship, and athletic achievement.
Rose Ponte | in memory of John Ponte
Scholarship Recipients
$1,000 awarded to two Northwest Connecticut students
The Rivera Family Fund for Arts and Music est. 2015
Established through a bequest from Torrington resident Mary Elizabeth Rivera, this fund supports the advancement of the arts and music through scholarships.
Alan Silano Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2007
This fund was established in memory of Torrington educator Alan Silano.
Arthur R. Smith Scholarship Fund est. 2001
This fund was established in memory of a venerable teacher at South Kent School. Each year, the faculty designates a scholarship recipient who exemplifies traits possessed by Mr. Smith, including intellectual curiosity, moral integrity, and a sense of humor.
Southwest School Scholarship in Memory of Marion Wm. Edwards Fund est. 2000
Established in memory of Marion Wm. Edwards by his wife, the late Alice Fabro Edwards, this fund makes an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who also graduated from Southwest Elementary School in Torrington.
Scholarship Recipient
$350 awarded to Southwest Elementary School graduate
Apolonia Stanulis Scholarship Fund est. 1997
Through a bequest in his will, Vincent J. Stanulis established this endowment to honor his mother. Recipients are residents of the Community Foundation’s service area who are entering any year of undergraduate or graduate school.
Scholarship Recipients
$26,500 awarded to 43 Northwest Connecticut students
Torrington High School Scholarship Funds
This collection of scholarships supports the continuing education of graduates of Torrington High School:
Anthony "Frank" Amicone Memorial Fund, Stephen G. Andre Memorial Scholarship Fund, Regina Tate Balfe Memorial Nursing Fund, David R. Bennett Scholarship Fund, Erman Cavagnero Memorial Scholarship Fund, Fred J. Coffin Memorial Scholarship Fund, Shawn Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund, Eva M. Coty Memorial Scholarship Fund, Helen H. Dautrich Scholarship Fund, John Denza Memorial Scholarship Fund, Cornelius Donahue Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert G. Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marcia Doyle, Maletta Pfeiffer & Associates, LLC
Mary Ellen and Ronald Peasley
East School PTO Robert Kelly Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth & Santo Fainelli Scholarship Fund
Kathleen T. Finn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Alfred J. Finn
Bob and Ray Good Scholarship Fund
Margaret Good | in memory of Raymond Good and Robert Good
Lucille Good | in memory of Raymond Good, in memory of Robert Good, Rita Barredo, Lucille Good and Family
Up to $99
In memory of Raymond Good, Barbara and Frank Bonello, Bernadine Brancale and James Osgood, Diane and Gary Burton, Patricia and Richard Clemmer, Joseph Gelormino | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Mary Keyes, In memory of Robert Good, Patricia Cahill, Phyllis and David Craig, Laura Crump, Roger Crump, Rita-Clare and Robert Doyle, Gary Finn, Joseph Gelormino | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank, Maria and Daniel Giambersio, Annette and Anthony Lombardi, Joan Monteleone, Sharon and Donald Newkirk, Dolores and Anthony Sacchetti, Jeri Soltis, Richard Stevenson, Aurelia Sultaire, Ann and Louis Szabo

Florence Hakalski Scholarship Fund
Michael G. Haschak Scholarship Fund
Robert C. & Margaret G. Lizotte Art Scholarship Fund
Julia McDonnell/Henry Fries Scholarship Fund
Mary Ann and Lou Seiser | in memory of Kristopher McDonnell and Nancy McDonnell Goodwin
Frank “Frankie” J. McGowan, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
James Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Victor Muschell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
North School PTO Scholarship Fund
Robert H. Frost Memorial Scholarship Fund
Frank Kalinowski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert J. Lariviere, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Nursing/Industrial Arts Scholarship Fund
Cpl. Gerald J. Roberts Art Scholarship Fund
Piemontese Club Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leonard Rendino Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Bernice Repas Scholarship Fund
Margaret Ringstad Riefe Scholarship Fund
Dr. Shenoi & Family Scholarship Fund
Jeff Stannard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Darlene and Lucian Stannard
Student Council Scholarship Fund
Nellie J. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mariantonia Tate Memorial Allied Health Scholarship Fund
Temkin Family Valedictory Award Fund
Gayle and Steven Temkin, Zena Temkin
Torrington High School Pooled Scholarship Fund
Torrington Lithuanian Mutual Benefit Club Scholarship Fund
Frederick J. Wilcox Sportsmanship Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipients
$12,500 awarded to 32 Torrington High School graduates

Torrington UNICO Foundation Scholarships est. 2010
A composite of 14 annual awards named for prominent community leaders and UNICO members, these scholarships assist area youth with the cost of higher education in perpetuity.
Edith Scopino
Annamarie Corrolo
Stephen Petricone | in support of the Fiore Petricone Scholarship
Angela Flammia | in memory of Linda Szczech and in support of the Francis J. and Donald G. Albreada Scholarship Fund, Paula and Robert Lynch | in memory of Joseph Petricone Sr., Rita and James Zeller | in support of the Fiore Petricone Scholarship
Up to $99
Rita and Roger Broggi | in memory of Joseph Petricone Sr., Gloria Cianciolo | in memory of Linda Szczech and in support of the Francis J. and Donald G. Albreada Scholarship Fund, Carole and James Conner | in memory of Joseph Petricone Sr., Fedor Family: Steve, Wendy, Emmy and Cassie | in memory of Joseph Petricone, Mary Locche | in memory of Linda Szczech and in support of the Francis J. and Donald G. Albreada Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipients
$20,700 awarded to 21 students in Northwest Connecticut
Albert C. and Rose Turri Scholarship Fund est. 2010
Established by the family of the late Albert C. Turri, this scholarship supports area students pursuing postsecondary degrees in the fields of electrical engineering or electronics. The fund honors Mr. Turri’s legacy as founder of Turri Electric Co. in 1946.
Scholarship Recipients
$5,000 awarded to three students in Northwest Connecticut
United Nations Association of NW Connecticut Scholarship Funds
The UNA scholarship funds support a United Nations Association scholarship administered by The United Nations Association. Scholarships benefit graduates of public high schools in Northwest Connecticut. Recipients demonstrate academic merit, interest in international issues, foreign language proficiency, and a commitment to social betterment.
United Nations Association of NW Connecticut Scholarship for International Cooperation in memory of Lisl C. Standen | est. 2009
Scholarship Recipient
$2,000 awarded to two Northwest Corner students
The United Nations Association of Connecticut Scholarship Fund | est. 2015
Scholarship Recipients
$1,000 awarded to a Northwest Corner student
Westside School Association/Harry Arsego Memorial Scholarship Fund est. 2001
This scholarship supports students attending the Warner Center for Performing Arts with tuition expenses.
James P. and Mildred Gregg Zucco Scholarship Fund est. 2001
This scholarship supports graduates of The Gilbert School, Oliver Wolcott Technical High School, and Northwest Regional District 7 High School. Selection is based on financial need, academic merit, and community service.
Scholarship Recipients
$7,500 awarded to 12 Northwest Connecticut students
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) provide income for donors and/or their family members for a fixed number of years. Then, the balance is transferred to the Community Foundation to be used toward donor’s specific charitable interests.
Joshua Girolimon CRT Fund est. 2010
This fund was established by the family of Joshua Girolimon to support his medical needs during his lifetime. In the future, the Community Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to support nonprofits in his honor.
Frank and Vivienne Vanoni CRT Fund est. 2005
Established by Dr. Vanoni and his late wife, Vivienne, this fund provides income for Dr. Vanoni during his lifetime. In the future, the Community Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to nonprofits in their honor.

Supporting Organizations
Supporting Organizations are similar to private foundations in that they operate with a separate board of directors with grant-making responsibilities, but because they operate under the “umbrella” of the Community Foundation, they operate more efficiently and with the benefits of a public charity. Directors enjoy a high amount of involvement in their philanthropy while benefiting from the Community Foundation’s grant and investment expertise and administrative support.
Foundation For Community Health Foundation for Community Health supports organizations that work to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of residents* served by Sharon Hospital and organizations that provide community healthcare services within those areas. *Canaan, Cornwall, Cornwall Bridge, Warren, East Canaan, Falls Village, Goshen, Kent, Lakeville, Lime Rock, Norfolk, Salisbury, Sharon, South Kent, Taconic, West Cornwall in Connecticut, as well as the New York communities of Amenia, Ancram, Ancramdale, Copake, Copake Falls, Dover Plains, Millbrook, Millerton, Pine Plains, Stanfordville, Wassaic and Wingdale.
John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation
The John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation was created for the purpose of protecting and improving the welfare of animals of all kinds with a focus on cats and dogs, the promotion of veterinary programs, and the protection of wildlife, including endangered species, flora and fauna.
Adopt-A-Dog, Inc. | $21,000 in support of the purchase of kennel runs for the Isolation Building
Animal Rescue Foundation, Inc | $29,160 in support of the creation of a funding and governance plan for long-term sustainability
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | $50,000 in support of Year 2 of Dr. Berliner's Shelter Medicine Experiential Learning and Educational Program
Friends of the Great Swamp | $45,600 in support of the creation of a formal Management Plan, the cost of the first two years of Plan implementation, surveying and marking boundaries of newly acquired parcels in the Great Swamp
Friends of the New Haven Animal Shelter, Inc. | $95,000 in support of renovation and improvement of the shelter
Hartland Land Trust | $1,920 in support of biological survey and mapping of Bassett-Kell Preserve
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc | $20,000 in support of K-12 education and the Young Men & Young Women at the Helm programs
Mohonk Preserve, Inc. | $15,000 in support the STEM Rising program
New York Restoration Project | $20,000 in support of the Nature in My Neighborhood program
Northwestern Connecticut Community College | $4,198 in support of a Vet-Tech program scholarship
Our Companions Domestic Animal Sanctuary | $100,000 in support of Phase Three construction at the Ashford Sanctuary to increase housing for cats and dogs
Protectors of Animals | $50,000 in support of the purchase of surgical/medical and non-medical equipment and consumables for the spay/neuter and wellness clinic
Sea Research Foundation | $30,000 in support of 1,500 underserved students and their educators from Greater Hartford and surrounding urban areas to visit Mystic Aquarium
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine | $75,000 in support of a post-doctoral fellow position for the Swine Cognition and Welfare project
Corporate Partnerships
Corporate Partnerships are customized corporate giving programs that align with the values and culture of individual companies. The right giving plan improves employee morale, builds brand visibility and recognition, fosters customer loyalty, and maximizes the impact of your company’s giving and its return in tax benefits. Corporate giving plans often include donor advised grant-making funds, match employee contributions, and offer contributions as part of employee-reward programs.
Cotiviti of Atlanta, Ga. with offices in Connecticut is a leading payment accuracy provider that helps healthcare payers and retailers achieve their business objectives by unlocking value from the incongruities it discovers in complex interactions with stakeholders.
Cotiviti donated 100 Lenovo T420 laptop computers and 40 Lenovo ThinkCentre M91p computers to the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation. These computers are donated to nonprofits throughout Northwest Connecticut.

- Committed to the public good
- Respectful of the worth and dignity of individuals
- Dedicated to inclusiveness and social justice
- Respectful of pluralism and diversity
- Committed to the responsible stewardship of resources
- Transparent, honest and accountable to the public, our donors, and our fundholders
Executive Committee
Douglas O’Connell | Board Chairperson, Gayle Moraski | Vice-Chairperson, Alyson Thomson | 2nd Vice-Chairperson, Vickie Patrick | Treasurer, Christopher Wall | Secretary, Robert Petricone | Member-at-Large, Tom Bechtle | Immediate Past Board Chair
Development Committee
Alyson Thomson | Chairperson, Ann Auburn, Anita Baxter, Tom Bechtle, Jeffrey Lalonde, Donald Mayland, Vickie Patrick, Ron Rosenstein
Communications and Public Relations Committee
Anne Sutherland Fuchs | Chairperson, Tom Bechtle, Alan Colavecchio, Robert Rovezzi, Christopher Wall
Grants and Program Committee
Robert Petricone | Chairperson, Jim Blackketter, Carol Lugar, Jan Rathbun, Helen Scoville, Lisa Simont, Christopher Wall
Nominating Committee
Gayle Moraski | Chairperson, Dan Dwyer, Bill Harding, Cynthia Oneglia, Vickie Patrick, Robert Rovezzi, Alyson Thomson
Governance Committee
Skip Rogers | Chairperson, Roberta Lee August, Betsy Goff, Brian McCormick, Douglas O’Connell
Audit Committee
Donald Mayland | Chairperson, Jeffrey Lalonde, Gayle Moraski
Investment Committee
James Thibault | Chairperson, Robert Geiger, Peter Menikoff, Barbara Millar, Keith Mullins, Marsha Sterling, Stacie Weiner
Scholarship Committee
Roberta Lee August, David Bennett, Bradley Bremer, Susan Bremer, Frank Buonocore, Jr., Nicole Carlson Easley, David Carroll, Jay Cohen, Doreen Deary, Heather Dinneen, Dennis Dressel, Joel Easley, Malcolm Forbes, Joe Friscia, Leslie Friscia, Betsy Goff, Doug Haddock, Lorraine Haddock, William Harding, Bradford Hoar, Eli Horowitz, Elayne Landau, Mary Loyer, Michael Lynch, Don Mayland, Gayle Moraski, Maureen Nikora, Ed Noonan, Mary Pat Noonan, Joan O'Brien, Morgan O'Brien, Roderic Oneglia, Lisa O’Neil, Joe Pathe, Guy Rovezzi, Patty Rovezzi, Robert Rovezzi, JoAnn Ryan, Julie Scharnberg, Anne Sutherland Fuchs, Christina Tranquillo, Tony Tranqillo, Marie Wallace, and Dan Whalen.
Emeritus Society
Former Community Foundation Directors: James C. Allen, Ann Auburn, Roberta Lee August, Khurshed Bhumgara, Allan Borghesi, Alan Colavecchio, Robert Cron, Miki Duisterhof, Dan Dwyer, Charles Ebersol Sr., Charles R. Ebersol Jr., Esq., William G. Harding, Charles Hathaway, Ann Hubbard, John E. Janco, Donald Lewis, Carol S. Lugar, Marvin “Muff” Maskovsky, Brian McCormick Esq., Allen Nixon, Robert O’Connor, Roberta S. Ohotnicky, Ph.D., James O’Leary, Cynthia Oneglia, Francis J. Oneglia, Frank Pascale, E. Frederick Petersen Jr., William Petricone, Rose Ponte, Jan Rathbun, Mary Lou Robinson, Margaret Roraback Esq., Robert Rovezzi, JoAnn Ryan, Helen Scoville, George A. Strogatz, Alan Temkin, Edward Thompson, Raymond Turri, John R. Ursone, Thomas Wall Jr., and Thomas Wall Sr..
Women & Girls Fund Executive Committee
Barbara Dughi | Chairperson, Sandra Zielinski | Vice Chairperson, Judy Armstrong, Joanne Bordras, Maria Gonzalez, Mandy Hill, Kathy Minck, Joan O’Brien, Rachel Tway-Grant, Lesa Anne Vanotti, Marie Wallace, and Roberta Willis.